760D.61/804: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Panama (Muccio)
125. Your No. 161, December 19, 3 p.m. Please inform Dr. Garay that the Department, while in full agreement with the text of the proposed message to Helsinki, is strongly of the opinion that such a message should only be sent in the name of all of the 21 American republics, and that the consequences of action in which one or more of these republics does not participate might be detrimental to the development [Page 139] of that spirit of continental solidarity which has been so valuable to all the American Republics in facing the problems created by the current world situation. Furthermore, in this particular case, the governments of a number of the American republics, including the Government of the United States, have given adequate expression to their protest against the aggression of which the Republic of Finland has been the object on the part of the Soviet Union. It would seem, therefore, that the opportune moment for collective action in this case has passed. You should take this opportunity of expressing my personal appreciation and that of the Under Secretary for the splendid services which Dr. Garay has rendered the American republics since the close of the Panama meeting.