
Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of the American Republics (Duggan)11

With respect to the suggested message to the Minister of Foreign Relations of Finland, as suggested by Dr. Garay, Secretary of Foreign Relations of Panama, it would seem advisable to delay a day or so prior to indicating the Department’s comments or views.

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It will be noted that the Government of Chile is not included among those that have responded favorably to the suggestion made by the President of Panama that the Soviet invasion of Finland be condemned. The Chilean Government has circularized all of its diplomatic missions instructing them to clarify before the governments to which they are accredited the reasons why Chile has not seen fit to join in this initiative. The result of this action of Chile may be to cause certain defections among the countries that have already assented. The Ambassador of Brazil informed me yesterday that he had received word from his Government that it would not join in the démarche unless there is unanimity. The Chilean circular telegram also indicated that Mexico and Peru were lukewarm to the idea.

It would therefore be my suggestion that no reply be made to Dr. Garay’s telegram for a day or so or until we know more exactly what the attitude of Brazil and possibly certain other countries is.

Laurence Duggan
  1. Addressed to the Secretary of State, the Under Secretary of State, and the Chief of the Division of European Affairs.