760D.61/655: Telegram

The Panamanian Minister for Foreign Affairs (Garay) to the Secretary of State


At the initiative of the Government of Ecuador, which the Government of Panama welcomes with the greatest sympathy, and as ex-chairman of the Consultative Meeting at Panama, I have the honor to address Your Excellency in this anniversary of the independence of Finland to recall to you Resolution X6 of the Consultative Meeting, section 4 of which “considers unjustifiable violation of neutrality or the invasion of weak nations as an expedient for the prosecution and winning of wars” and I take the occasion to rouse all American Republics to protest against the invasion and occupation of Finland. I greet Your Excellency with my highest consideration.

Narciso Garay
  1. For Spanish text, see Diario de la Reunión de Consult a entre los Ministros de Relaciones Exteriores de las Repúblicas Americanas, Panama, November 23, 1939, p. 55.