
Memorandum by the Acting Chief of the Division of Near Eastern Affairs (Alling)

Mr. Salmon82 tells me this morning that he has been informed by the Western Union that it has had about 34,000 telegrams on the Palestine situation. Only on one previous occasion has the Western Union handled a larger number on one subject—between 75,000 and 100,000 at the time the Supreme Court question was up. The latter telegrams were, however, addressed to the several hundred members of Congress and not confined, as in the Palestine case, to the White House and State Department.

The Postal Telegraph Company has handled to date 30,522 telegrams on Palestine—a number considerably in excess of that handled at the time of the Supreme Court question or the Government reorganization bill.

The total number of telegrams to date on Palestine is therefore about 65,000 and they are still coming in.

Paul H. Alling
  1. David A. Salmon, Chief of the Division of Communications and Records.