I. Refusal of Germany to assume the obligation of the Austrian indebtedness

[382] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Germany (Wilson)

863.51 Relief Credits/362a: Telegram

[383] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Germany (Wilson)

863.51 Relief Credits/362b: Telegram

[384] The Ambassador in Germany (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

863.51 Relief Credits/388: Telegram

[385] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Germany (Wilson)

863.51 Relief Credits/391: Telegram

[386] The Chargé in Germany (Gilbert) to the Secretary of State

863.51 Relief Credits/393: Telegram

[387] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Germany (Wilson)

863.51 Relief Credits/397: Telegram

[388] The Ambassador in Germany (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

863.51 Relief Credits/412: Telegram (part air)

[389] The Ambassador in Germany (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

863.51 Relief Credits/413: Telegram (part air)

[390] The Ambassador in Germany (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

863.51 Relief Credits/414: Telegram (part air)

[391] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Germany (Wilson)

863.51 Relief Credits/413: Telegram

[392] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Germany (Wilson)

862.51/4618: Telegram

[393] The Ambassador in Germany (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

863.51 Relief Credits/468: Telegram (part air)

[394] The Chargé in Germany (Gilbert) to the Secretary of State

863.51 Relief Credits/479: Telegram

[395] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Germany (Wilson)

863.51 Relief Credits/487a: Telegram

[396] The Chargé in Germany (Gilbert) to the Secretary of State

863.51 Relief Credits/497: Telegram (part air)

[397] The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Germany (Gilbert)

863.51 Relief Credits/497: Telegram

[398] The Chargé in Germany (Gilbert) to the Secretary of State

863.51 Relief Credits/508: Telegram (part air)

[399] The Acting Secretary of State to the German Chargé (Thomsen)

863.51 Relief Credits/512

[400] The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Germany (Gilbert)

863.51 Relief Credits/512: Telegram