851.5151/1927: Telegram

The Ambassador in France ( Bullitt ) to the Secretary of State

1272. From Cochran. After 1271, August 13, 3 p.m., was despatched I got in touch with the Minister of Finance upon request of Secretary Morgenthau transmitted through the Ambassador. Marchandeau and Rueff had left town for the long week end. I spoke with Couve de Murville40 who was on the point of departing.

I asked what action they expected from us on Bonnet’s note. De Murville said they sought our acceptance in principle of a common statement which they hoped to be issued on Tuesday. I told him [Page 290] there was no chance of getting an agreement from us either to the principle or the text of a communiqué for Tuesday unless they gave us a draft thereof by Sunday forenoon. Even then, I said they should not expect us to join in any positive statement to the effect that the franc is not going down. Since the French have indicated their own uneasiness on this point and had served us notice any communiqué would have to be carefully considered. De Murville said they had received no reaction from the British. He would however get in touch with Rueff and endeavor to telephone me a draft text Sunday morning.

I have telephoned the foregoing to Secretary Morgenthau this evening. He said Butterworth who was with him would telephone Phillips. [Cochran.]

  1. Maurice Couve de Murville, Associate Director of the Budget in the French Ministry of Finance.