[Page [960]] [Page 961]- Act of Algeciras (1906), 859, 872, 874
- Afghanistan, 507–614
- Agreements. See Trade agreements; Treaties, conventions, etc.
- Air navigation, arrangement between United States and Irish Free State effected by exchange of notes, Sept. 29 and Dec. 4, 200
- Alaska. See Canada: Alaska Highway.
- Albania, atttiude toward nationals appearing before Mixed Courts in Egypt, 649
- Alcohol. See Liquor smuggling.
- American Jewish Congress, 367, 553, 555
- American-Scantic Line, 544
- Amiranian Oil Co. See under Iran.
- Anderson, Clayton, and Co., 544
- Anglo-Iranian (Anglo-Persian) Oil Co. See under Iran.
- Anti-Smuggling Act (1935), 107, 114–115, 119, 121, 122; British cooperation in enforcing, 123
- Arab-Jewish conflict. See under Palestine.
- Atlantic Refining Co., 344–347
- Australia (see also
Attitude of Commonwealth countries
Empire preferences
United Kingdom: Trade
agreement with United States), 136–159
- Currency devaluation, 145
- Immigration of Polish Jews, attitude toward, 562
- Montreux Conference for the Abolition of Capitulations in Egypt, representation at, 644
- Non-aggression pact in Pacific, proposed, 141–142, 144
- Pacific islands claimed by United Kingdom and United States, interest in, 130, 135
- Representation at British Embassy in Washington, 28, 145n
- Trade relations with United States, 136–159
- Import restrictions and announcement of intention to abolish, 136, 137, 139, 143–147 passim, 150–159 passim
- Most-favored-nation agreement, proposed, 137, 157, 159
- National elections, importance to trade-agreement discussions, 40, 41, 60, 64, 67, 80, 141, 142, 144, 146, 148, 150–151
- Trade agreement, discussions leading to, 46–47, 61, 63, 88, 139, 140–141, 142, 146, 147, 151, 153, 159
- Trade balance, 136, 145
- Austria, commercial agreement with Czechoslovakia (1921), 244
- Automobile Manufacturers Assn., 572, 576
- Baker Island, 132
- Bankers Trust Co., 344–347
- Belgium, 219–237
- Greece, extradition treaty of 1901, 430
- Montreux Conference for the Abolition of Capitulations in Egypt, 644, 646, 662n
- Naturalization convention of 1868, exchange of views with United States respecting interpretation of, 234–237; opinion of U. S. Supreme Court, 237
- Oslo Convention (May 28), Belgian position on extension to United States, 225–226
- Ruanda Urundi and Tanganyika Territory, treaty with United Kingdom regarding boundary between (1934), U. S. reservation of its rights, 939–940
- Trade agreement between United States and Belgo-Luxembourg Economic Union (1935): American business interests, action of, 228–229; failure of Belgian authorities to live up to terms of, 227–228, 230–233; remedial action, 227–228, 232, 233; supplementary trade agreement, preliminary discussions respecting, 219–234
- Belgo-Luxembourg Economic Union. See Belgium: Trade agreement.
- Boston Blacking Co., 297
- Brazil, 332, 333–334, 336, 337, 338, 342–343
- Burma, 22, 24–25, 48, 49–50, 54, 58
- Canada (see also
Attitude of Commonwealth countries
Empire preferences
United Kingdom: Trade
agreement with United States; also
Liquor smuggling into United States, U. S. efforts to
suppress), 160–199
[Page 962]
- Alaska Highway, U. S. efforts to obtain agreement for construction of, 191–198
- Great Lakes, Niagara Falls, and St. Lawrence Waterway Project, discussions with United States respecting new treaty, 168–176
- Halibut fishing grounds in Pacific Ocean, representations by Canada and United States to United Kingdom respecting projected voyage of British steamer to, 183–191
- Income taxation, negotiations with United States for conclusion of addendum to 1936 convention on, 177–183; signature of new convention and protocol (1942), 183
- Information concerning issuance of radio licenses, exchange of, agreement with United States effected by exchange of notes signed Mar. 2 and 10, Aug. 17, Sept. 8 and 20, and Oct. 9, citation to texts, 199
- Trade agreement with United States, informal discussions on possible negotiation of new agreement, 160–168
- Canton Island, 125–129 passim, 131, 132, 133
- Capitulations. See Morocco: French Zone: Proposed abolition; and under Egypt.
- Case, Pomeroy, and Co., 597, 608, 735
- China, 65, 84, 142, 649
- Chrysler Corp., 228
- Churches. See Ethiopia: Missionary activities; and under Germany.
- Claims. See under Germany; Morocco: French Zone: Proposed abolition of U. S. capitulatory rights; Turkey.
- Commercial treaties and agreements. See Trade agreements and under Treaties, conventions, etc.
- Commissions, committees, etc.:
- International Fisheries Commission, 183–186 passim
- Mixed Claims Commissions: U. S.–Germany, 348–367; U. S.–Turkey, 954–958
- Palestine, Royal Commission of Inquiry on Mandate in. See under Palestine: United Kingdom.
- Reciprocity Information, Committee for, 239, 248
- Regional Preferences, Committee on, 249
- Conferences:
- Consular officers. See Diplomatic and consular officers.
- Conventions. See Treaties, conventions, etc.
- Cotton, 94, 268, 269, 330–331, 512, 543, 540–549, 589, 594
- Customs privileges. See Liberia: Customs regulations; and under Syria and the Lebanon.
- Czechoslovakia, 238–258
- Denmark, Montreux Conference for the Abolition of Capitulations in Egypt, participation, 644, 663
- Diplomatic and consular officers:
- Afghanistan, U. S. consideration of proposal to establish diplomatic representation in, 605–614
- Egypt, U. S. consideration of advisability of proposing to negotiate consular convention with, 665–671
- Ethiopia, U. S. withdrawal of diplomatic and consular representatives from, 679–697
- Germany, discussions regarding right to correspond directly with authorities on certain protection matters, 386–392
- Iran, U. S. reluctance to appoint Minister to, 718–728
- Italy, proposals for convention to supersede existing consular conventions with United States, 496–506
- Liberia: Proposed consular convention with United States, 804–811; representations by United States regarding customs regulations affecting free-entry privileges for diplomatic officers, 818–820, 821; U. S. Legation, erection of new building for, 825, 845, 853, 855
- Lithuania, appointment of U. S. Minister to, 259n, 507n
- Discrimination against United States (see also Trade discrimination against United States):
- Dodd, William E., 377, 380, 381, 382, 384, 385
- Domermuth, Bertha, 701
- Dual nationality. See Nationality.
- Durham Duplex Razor Co., 297
- Egypt, 615–678
- Capitulations, Montreux Conference for the Abolition
of (April 12–May 8), and convention signed
May 8, 615–665
- Anglo-American exchange of views, 632, 633–634, 641, 648
- Arbitration of international disputes, 642–643, 648
- Attitude and participation of powers: Albania, 649; Belgium, 644, 662; British Commonwealth countries, 644, 647; China, 649; Denmark, 644, 663; Egypt, 616, 618, 619–621, 623, 624, 633–634, 647, 648, 649, 652, 653, 662; France, 644, 646, 647; Greece, 644, 646, 650, 662: Italy, 644, 646, 650, 662; Netherlands, 644, 647; Norway, 644, 663; Portugal, 644, 649; Spain, 644; Sweden, 644, 662; United Kingdom, 622–623, 625, 620–627, 642, 647, 648, 649, 653, 663; United States, 617, 621, 625, 630, 631, 632, 634–641, 642–643, 645, 648, 649, 654, 655–656, 658, 663, 664–665
- Convention signed May 8, 652, 656, 662–663
- Discussions concerning—
- Educational, medical, and charitable institutions, 652, 653, 655–662, 664–665
- Financial capitulations, 616, 617, 618, 621, 636, 640, 652
- Judicial capitulations (see also Mixed Courts, infra), 616, 617, 618, 627, 648; Khedivial decree of 1889 and law of 1911, abrogation of, 637, 654
- Mixed Courts, transitional regime of: Consular courts, retention of rights during, 651, 653; duration of, 616, 622, 646–647, 649: “foreigner,” interpretation of, 619, 633, 646–647; regulation of regime, 618, 618–621, 622, 623–624, 625, 627, 629, 631, 633–634, 635, 637, 638–639, 640, 641, 646, 651, 652, 663
- Religion: Missionary activity, 657–662; worship, freedom of, 652, 662
- United Kingdom, agreements with Egyptian Government concerning capitulations, 618, 622–623, 624, 626, 627, 632, 634, 648
- Consular convention with United States, advisability of proposing negotiation of, 665–671
- Extradition treaties:
- Montreux Convention for the Abolition of Capitulations. See Capitulations, supra.
- Sudan, applicability of extradition treaties to, 676–677
- Capitulations, Montreux Conference for the Abolition
of (April 12–May 8), and convention signed
May 8, 615–665
- Enderbury Island, 125, 126
- Epstein, Mrs. Judith, 904
- Estonia, trade relations with United States, 259–274
- Ethiopia, 679–717
- Diplomatic and consular representatives, U. S. withdrawal of, 679–697
- Italian occupation forces, conduct of and native attempts against, 679–684, 685, 689, 695–696, 701
- Missionary activities, repressive measures by Italian authorities against, 697–717
- Non-recognition of Italian sovereignty by United States, 448, 477, 478, 480, 486, 487, 651, 695, 708, 710
- U. S. citizens, protection of, 680–681, 685, 687–688, 689, 690
- Export-Import Bank, 952
- Extradition. See under Egypt; Greece; Iran; Liberia.
- Finance Corporation of America, 832, 833
- Finland, 531n
- Firestone Plantation Co., 832, 833
- Fisher Brothers, 597
- Ford Motor Co., 228
- Foreign Bondholders Protective Council, Inc., 535–542 passim
- France (see also
Morocco: French Zone;
Syria and the Lebanon), 275–318
- American citizens of French origin, status under French law with respect to liability to military service in France, 311–318; revision of paragraph in U. S. Notice to Bearers of Passports, 314–318
- Currency: Effect of devaluation, 275, 277–278, 279, 280, 285; stabilization agreement with United Kingdom and United States (1936), 7
- Customs frauds, agreement with United States for suppression of (1936), 311
- Double taxation convention of 1932, discussion with United States concerning addendum to, 285–297
- Germany, suggestion of plan to provide trade outlets for, 276
- Egypt, Montreux Conference for the Abolition of Capitulations in, 644, 646, 647, 652, 659, 663
- Ethiopia, discontinuation of missionary activity in, 708
- Palestine, interest in, 898–899
- St. Pierre-Miquelon, negotiations for suppression of liquor smuggling into United States from, 298–311
- Sweden, conventions of 1936 relating to double taxation and reciprocal assistance with regard to fiscal evasion, 297
- Trade agreement with United States (1936), U. S. representations respecting import control measures in alleged violation of, 275–285
- Freedom of the press, 374, 375, 376–377, 724
- Freedom of religion, 652, 662
- Freedom of speech, 369, 370, 374, 375, 385, 724
- French, Elena, 701
- General Motors Corp., 228
- Germany, 319–405
- Afghanistan, interest in U. S. oil concession in, 598, 602, 739
- Churches, intensification of repressive measures against, 320, 332
- Citizenship law of Sept. 1935, 322–323, 324
- Claims pending before Mixed Claims Commission, negotiations for settlement of, 348–367
- Colonial ambitions, 821, 826, 847, 852
- Consular officers, discussions regarding right to correspond directly with authorities on certain protection matters, 386–392
- Dodd, William E. (U.S. Ambassador), German informal representations with respect to certain utterances by, 377–385 passim
- Economic situation (see also Trade, infra): Four-year economic plan, 330; Schacht, Hjalmar, 332, 339
- Educational institutions, regulations concerning, 322–323
- Hitler, Adolf, 322, 367–377, 384–385
- Iran, interest in U. S. oil concession in, 738, 739, 741
- Jews, persecution of, 319–327, 332; B’nai B’rith lodges, dissolution of, 319–320, 321; business and professional regulations, 324; citizenship law of Sept. 1935, 322–323, 324; “culture league,” supervision of, 321; educational regulations, 322–323; emigration and re-entry, 320, 325, 326; funds, confiscation of, 320, 321; Goering, activities of, 323, 325; influence of external events, 319, 321, 322, 323, 325; meetings, ban on, 320, 321; passports, confiscation and granting of, 319–320, 321, 325, 326
- La Guardia, Fioreilo H. (Mayor of New York), informal representations regarding derogatory remarks about Chancellor Hitler by, 367–377; effects of, 319, 321, 367; official U. S. view, 373–374
- Mixed Claims Commission. See Claims, supra.
- Motion pictures, informal representations regarding warning to Americans against acting in pictures declared inimical to German interests, 392–394; German film exhibition law, 393
- Nuremberg, Reich Party Rally at (1937), diplomatic representation at, 378–379, 380
- Oslo Convention (1930), interest in adhering to, 523
- Press attack on United States, 368–370, 371, 372, 373, 463
- Schacht, Hjalmar, 332, 339
- Trade relations with—
- U. S. citizen sentenced to death, representations on behalf of, 395–405
- Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony, 126, 128, 129
- Good Neighbor policy, 631, 639, 864
- Great Britain. See United Kingdom.
- Great Lakes, Niagara Falls, and St. Lawrence Waterway project, discussions between United States and Canada respecting new treaty, 168–176
- Greece, 406–434
- Commercial agreement with United States, provisional, preliminary negotiations for, 406–426
- Egypt: Consular convention with, question of, 669–670; Montreux Conference for the Abolition of Capitulations in, participation, 644, 645, 646, 662
- Extradition: Conclusion of a protocol with United States (Sept. 2) interpreting treaty of 1931 and withdrawal of notice of abrogation given in 1933, 427–434; Insull case, 429, 431
- Germany, trade relations with, 419, 421
- Immigration quota restrictions by United States, 417
- Guaranty Trust Co., 297
- Hague Convention (1907), 642, 643
- Harrison Act (1934,), 351, 364
- Hawaii, 96, 98, 100, 101
- Henry, Duncan, 680–681
- Hirsch, Helmut, 395–405
- Hitler, Adolf, 322, 367–377, 384–385
- Howland Island, 132
- Hull Island, 131, 132, 133
- Income taxation. See under Canada.
- India (see also Attitude of Commonwealth countries and Empire preferences under United Kingdom: Trade agreement with United States): Lithuania, trade with, 512; Montreux Conference for the Abolition of Capitulations in Egypt, participation, 644
- Inland Exploration Co., 597–604, 608, 611, 612, 613, 735
- Insull, Samuel, 429, 431
- Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Peace (1936), 762, 822–823
- International Fisheries Commission, 183, 184, 185, 186
- Interstate Commerce Commission, 357
- Iran, 718–766
- Amiranian Oil Co., concession to (Jan. 3), 598, 602, 603, 719, 720, 721, 722, 723, 730, 734–761; pipeline and concession for, 598, 602–603, 604, 735, 736, 737, 741, 747, 748, 749, 750; provisions, 744–747; signature and ratifications, 720, 735, 736, 737, 750
- Anglo-Iranian (Anglo-Persian) Oil Co., 598, 736, 738, 744–747, 748, 757, 758–759
- Extradition treaty with United States, question of negotiating, 725, 726
- Khoshtaria (Koshtaria) concession, 742, 743, 747–749, 760, 761
- Press, foreign, sensitivity to, 719–724 passim, 729–732 passim
- Reluctance of United States to appoint Minister, and continued absence of Iranian representation in United States, 718–728
- Resumption of delivery of secondclass mail from United States, 728–734
- Representations by United States regarding trade discrimination, 761–766
- Soviet Union, treaty of 1921, cited, 749
- Iraq, 767–784
- Irish Free State: Arrangement with United States for air navigation, effected by exchange of notes signed Sept. 29 and Nov. 4, citation to texts, 200; Montreux Conference for the Abolition of Capitulations in Egypt, participation, 644
- Italy (see also
Ethiopia), 435–506
- Commercial treaty with United States, negotiations
respecting, 435–496
- Aliens, rights and occupations of, 450, 456, 475
- Colonies, Italian, question of extension to, 448, 458, 468, 471, 475, 476–477, 478–479, 480
- Danubian countries, preferences to, 444, 446, 448, 449, 453–454, 457–458, 459–462, 464, 465, 466–467, 468, 470, 471, 472, 476, 479, 486, 487–488, 491, 493, 495–496
- Exchange control, 440–442, 443, 444–445, 447, 448, 455, 474, 485, 489, 490, 492, 493
- “King Emperor”, question of use of title, 447–448, 471, 474–475, 479, 480, 483, 486–487, 492, 494
- Military obligations, liability to, 456–457, 468, 471, 481–483
- Modus Vivendi, Italian proposal of, 494–496
- Most-favored-nation clause, application of, 456, 489
- Neutrality legislation, U. S. concern over effect upon, 468, 471, 476, 485
- Quantitative import restrictions, 438–440, 445, 448, 449, 455, 460–461, 464, 468, 471, 472, 473, 474, 476, 485, 490, 491
- Status of commercial relations between signing and coming into effect of new treaty, question of, 451, 452, 463–64, 469
- Temporary commercial arrangement (Dec. 16), 466, 467, 470, 471, 472, 473, 486, 488–489, 490, 491, 493–494
- Consular conventions with United States, proposals for convention to supersede, 496–506
- Montreux Conference for Abolition of Capitulations in Egypt, participation, 644, 646, 650, 652, 662
- Mussolini, Benito, 708, 710, 852
- Commercial treaty with United States, negotiations
respecting, 435–496
- Japan, 84, 142, 184, 185, 187, 772, 775, 777–778, 829, 831, 832, 849
- Jarvis Island, 132
- Jews. See Palestine; Poland: Anti-Semitism; and under Germany.
- La Guardia, Fiorello H., 319, 321, 367–377
- Latin America, attitude toward immigration of Polish Jews, 562
- Latvia, 510–511
- League of Nations, hearings and opinions by Mandates Commission regarding Palestine, 884, 895, 897, 898, 899–900, 906–908, 916–917
- Lebanon. See Syria and the Lebanon.
- Liberia, 785–857
- Arbitration convention with United States (1926), question of revision, 803
- Consular convention with United States, proposed, 804–811; draft text, 805–808
- Customs regulations affecting freeentry privileges for missionaries and diplomatic officers, U. S. representations against, 812–821
- Dutch mineral concession (Neep), proposed, U. S. concern over possibility of German financial interest in, 829–857
- Extradition treaty with United States (Nov. 1), citation to text, 811
- Japanese interest in iron deposits, 829, 831, 832, 849
- Loan agreement with Finance Corporation of America, 832, 833
- Missionary activity, 802, 812–818, 820
- Polish territorial ambitions in, rumored, U. S. concern regarding, 821–829
- Treaty of friendship, commerce, and navigation with United States, proposed new, 785–804; arbitration provision, 796–797, 803
- United Kingdom: Financing of Dutch mineral concession, 847; proposed diamond concession, 830–831; territorial interest in, alleged, 847
- U. S. Legation, erection of new building for, 825, 845, 853, 855
- U. S. military measures in aid of, likelihood of, 785–786, 824
- Lipsky, Louis, 904, 909
- Liquor smuggling into United States, U. S. efforts to suppress:
- Lithuania, 507–516
- London Agreement (1926), 109, 110, 111
- Luxembourg. See Belgium: Trade agreement.
- Madagascar, 562
- Mandates. See Palestine.
- Mataluni, Biagio, 482
- Matson Line, 96–106 passim
- McFadden, George H., and Brother, 544
- Merchant Marine Acts of 1920 and 1936, 99, 101, 103, 211–212
- Middle Eastern (Saadabad) Pact (July 8), 606
- Military service, liability of U. S. citizens of dual nationality. See Nationality.
- Missionary activities (see also under Ethiopia): Egypt, 656–662 passim; Liberia, 802, 812–818, 820; Syria and the Lebanon, 816–817, 938
- Montreux Conference and Convention for the Abolition of Capitulations in Egypt. See Egypt: Capitulations.
- Montreux Convention for Revision of Straits Regime (1936), 617, 618
- Morocco, 858–880
- French Zone:
- Anglo-French negotiations, 858–868 passim, 876; agreement of July 26, 861; declaration of 1904, 858
- Proposed abolition of U. S. capitulatory rights, 858–880; claims in respect of U. S. nationals and protégés, 863, 869–871
- Trade with United Kingdom, 866, 867, 872–873, 874–876, 877, 878, 879; with United States, 859–879 passim
- Spanish Zone, U. S. capitulatory rights in, 877, 880
- French Zone:
- Most-favored-nation principle, 204, 205–206, 247, 248–249, 329, 331, 413–414, 442, 446, 454, 479, 509, 510, 525, 531, 572, 587, 785, 798–800, 947, 950–951; non-application to certain multilateral economic conventions, agreement relative to (1934), 225–226, 227
- Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America, Inc., 89, 91
- Motion pictures: German warnings to Americans against acting in pictures declared inimical to German interests, U. S. informal representations regarding, 392–394; U. S. representations regarding British legislation concerning, 88–90, 91–93
- Mussolini, Benito, 708, 710, 852
- Nationality, dual, and liability to military service: Belgium, 234–237; France, 311–318; Hague Protocol (1930), 581; Lithuania, 514–516; Norway, 580; Switzerland, convention with United States signed Nov. 11, 579–582; Yugoslavia, 584–586
- Naturalization. See under Belgium; Lithuania.
- Netherlands (see also Liberia: Dutch mineral concession), Montreux Conference for the Abolition of Capitulations in Egypt, 644, 647, 652
- Neutrality Act, extension of May 1, 476
- Newfoundland, 90, 201–202
- New Zealand (see also
Attitude of Commonwealth countries
Empire preferences
United Kingdom: Trade
agreement with United States), 203–218
- Discrimination against American trade in New Zealand mandate of Western Samoa, U. S. efforts to secure from British Government solution for problem of, 210–217
- Discriminatory shipping legislation affecting trade between Australia and New Zealand, U. S. concern over, 95–106
- Montreux Conference for the Abolition of Capitulations in Egypt, representation at, 644
- Pacific Islands claimed by United Kingdom and United States, interest in, 130, 135
- Trade relations with United States, informal discussions regarding possibility of improving, 203–209
- Niagara Falls, Great Lakes, St. Lawrence Waterway project, discussions with Canada respecting new treaty, 168–176
- Non-aggression pact in Pacific, Australian proposal for, 141–142, 144
- Norway, 517–524
- Oslo Conventions, 225, 522, 523
- Pacific non-aggression pact, Australian proposal for, 141–142, 144
- Palestine, U. S. interest in British proposals for partition
between Arabs and Jews, 881–922
- American Jews, attitude of, 881, 882, 885–886, 904, 908, 909, 921–922
- Arab Jewish conflict, 881, 896, 906, 910, 911, 912, 913
- Egypt, extradition treaty with, 675–676
- Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, activity of, 892, 894, 904–905, 906, 910, 911, 913
- Holy places, recommended treatment of, 890, 896, 898, 907
- Hughes, Charles Evans, attitude as Secretary of State, 883
- Immigration: Jewish, 562, 881, 883, 896, 914; policy, 883, 885, 914–920; Polish, 562
- Jewish Agency, 908, 909, 913, 914, 915, 917–921 passim
- Maintenance of U. S. interests and rights, question of, 886–889 passim, 891, 901–902, 905, 906
- Mandates, U. S. view, 901–902
- Royal Commission of Inquiry, report of, 881, 883–889 passim, 891, 892, 895, 896, 897, 898, 900, 901, 907, 908; attitude of Arabs and of Jews toward, 892, 894, 904–905, 909
- United Kingdom (see also Royal Commission, supra), relations with Arabs and with Jews, 885, 890, 895, 898
- World Zionist Congress, 904, 909, 921
- Zionist Organization, 890, 894, 906, 907, 909, 913, 915, 917, 921–922
- Pan American Airways, 135
- Permanent Court of International Justice, 642–643
- Phoenix island group, conflicting British and American claims to sovereignty of certain islands of, 125–135
- Pius XI (Pope), 561
- Poland, 525–563
- Anti-Semitism and consideration of Jewish emigration as possible solution, 552–563
- Direct-shipping requirement, informal U. S. representations regarding, 543–551; commercial treaty with United States (1931), violation of provisions, 543, 546, 547, 549–550
- Economic situation (see also Trade agreement with United States, infra): Baltic trade, 531, 534; debt to United States, 563; effect of anti-Semitic campaign, 560; peasant difficulties, 560
- Liberia, U. S. concern over rumored territorial ambitions in, 821–829
- Payments on various obligations, discrimination against American bondholders in connection with partial defaults and suspension of, 535–543
- Taxes on motor-vehicle fuel and oil, reciprocal exemption of consular officers from, 556
- Trade agreement with United States, preliminary discussions regarding, 525–535
- Portugal, participation in Montreux Conference for the Abolition of Capitulations in Egypt, 644, 649
- Press, freedom of, 374, 375, 376–377, 724
- Press activity. See under Germany; Iran.
- Reciprocity Information, Committee for, 239, 248
- Regional Preferences, Committee on, 249
- Rhodesia, Southern. See Southern Rhodesia.
- Rockefeller Foundation, 661
- Roiderer, Richard, 387
- Roman Catholic Church (see also Vatican): Germany, persecution in, 320; Poland, attitude toward anti-Semitic activities in, 560–561
- Roosevelt, Franklin D. (President): Alaska Highway, interest in, 193, 194; German representations regarding Mayor La Guardia’s remarks on Hitler, action regarding, 374; Pacific Islands, interest in conflicting British and American claims, 127, 132–133; Poland, suggestion that Jews emigrate to Latin America from, 561, 562; St. Lawrence Waterway, Niagara Falls, and Great Lakes project, interest in, 168, 169, 172, 173
- Ruanda Urundi and Tanganyika Territory, U.S. reservation of rights as affected by frontier changes between, 939–940
- Saadabad (Middle Eastern) Pact (July 8), 606
- St. Lawrence Waterway, Niagara Falls, and Great Lakes project, discussion between United States and Canada respecting a new treaty, 168–176
- St. Pierre-Miquelon. See under France.
- Samoan Islands. See New Zealand: Discrimination.
- Saudi Arabia, reaction to proposed partition of Palestine, 893–894
- Seaboard Oil Co., 597, 605, 735
- Shippey, Ruth, 701
- Shipping, 95–106, 543–552
- Simpson, Lawrence, 399, 402
- Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act. See Tariff Act of 1930.
- Smuggling of liquor into United States. See Liquor smuggling.
- Socony-Vacuum Oil Co., Inc., 344–347
- South Africa, Union of. See Union of South Africa.
- Southern Rhodesia, interest in U. S.–British trade agreement, 24, 25, 27, 49–50, 53
- Soviet Union:
- Citation to additional correspondence, 583
- Iran, treaty with (1921), 749, 759
- Russo-Japanese fishery treaty, 185
- U. S. oil concession in Afghanistan, activity regarding, 602, 603
- U. S. oil concession in Iran, interest in, 738–742, 743–744, 748–749, 750, 759–760; transit rights for machines of, 751–757
- Spain, participation in Montreux Conference for the Abolition of Capitulations in Egypt, 644, 651, 652
- Spanish Morocco, U. S. capitulatory rights in, 877, 880
- Speech, freedom of, 369, 370, 374, 375, 385, 724
- Standard Car Finance Corp., 539–540
- Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey, 344–347, 511
- Steele, Isabel, 387
- Stein, Elbridge W., 358
- Straits Regime, Montreux Convention for Revision of (1936), 617, 618
- Stresa Conference (1935), declarations, 444
- Sudan, applicability of Egyptian treaties to, 676–677
- Sweden:
- Switzerland, 565–582
- Military obligations of certain persons having dual nationality, convention with United States (Nov. 11), 579–582; citation to text, 582
- Montreux Conference for the Abolition of Capitulations in Egypt, participation, 644, 645
- Trade agreement with United States (1936), informal representations respecting control of imports in alleged violation of, 565–579
- Syria and the Lebanon, 923–938
- Customs privileges for U. S. religious, educational, and philanthropic institutions, agreement between France and United States regarding (Feb. 18), 816–817; citation to text, 938
- Franco-Turkish agreement of May 29, 924, 926, 928, 929, 932–933, 934, 935, 936
- Lausanne Treaty of 1923, 923–924, 926, 931, 936
- Sanjak of Alexandretta, status of, 882
- U. S. citizens of Syrian or Lebanese origin, French confirmation of continued application of Knabenshue-Gouraud agreement (1921) regarding U. S. protection of, 923–938
- U. S.-French convention regarding U. S. rights in (1924), 868
- Tanganyika Territory and Ruanda Urundi, U. S. reservation of rights as affected by changes of frontier between, 939–940
- Taraboletti, Attilio, 482
- Tariff Act of 1930, 12, 19, 116, 139, 255–256, 327–328, 336, 345, 408, 527, 532; countervailing duties required by, 255–256, 327–328, 336
- Taxation:
- Texas Oil Co., 597
- Time Magazine, 737
- Trade Agreements, Interdepartmental Committee on, 35, 245, 248, 272, 408, 409, 528, 529, 942
- Trade Agreements Act (1934), 224, 239, 261
- Trade agreements between United States and other countries:
- Basic U. S. policy, 1–2, 6, 11–12, 29, 30, 144, 163–164, 204–206, 248–249, 250, 261, 329, 334–335, 409–414, 424, 441, 454, 484, 510–511, 521–522, 525, 591, 762, 763, 764
- Discussions and negotiations with—
- Australia. See under Australia: Trade relations with United States.
- Belgium. See under Belgium.
- Canada, 160–168
- Czechoslovakia. See under Czechoslovakia.
- Estonia. See under Estonia.
- Germany. See under Germany: Trade: United States.
- Iran, 725, 726, 762, 764, 765
- New Zealand, 61, 63, 88, 205–206, 209
- Norway. See under Norway.
- Poland, 525–535
- Turkey, 941–954
- United Kingdom. See under United Kingdom.
- Trade discrimination against United States: Australia, 136, 137, 139, 143–147 passim, 150–159 passim; Belgium, 227–228, 230–233; France, 275–285; Iran, 761–766; Lithuania, 507–514; Poland, 525, 526; Switzerland, 568–569, 570, 572, 575; Western Samoa, New Zealand Mandate of, 210–217
- Transjordan, attitude toward partition of Palestine, 894
- Treaties, conventions, etc.:
- Act of Algeciras (1906), 859, 872, 874
- Air navigation, arrangement between United States and Irish Free State effected by exchange of notes, Sept. 29 and Nov. 4, citation to texts, 200
- Anglo-Belgian treaty regarding boundary between mandated territories of Tanganyika and Ruanda Urundi (1934), 939–940
- Anglo-Egyptian treaty of alliance (1936), 622–623, 627, 632, 636, 676
- Anglo-French convention for the abolition of capitulations in Morocco and Zanzibar (July 29), 861, 862–863
- Arbitration convention, U.S.-Liberia (1926), 803
- Capitulations (see also Egypt: Capitulations), U.S.-Morocco (1836), 863, 868
- Commercial treaties and agreements:
- Anglo-Moroccan (1856), 872, 873
- Denmark-Lithuania (1938), 513
- Germany–Greece (1937), 421
- Germany–Lithuania (1936), 508
- U.S.–Estonia (1925). See Estonia: Modification of 1925 commercial treaty.
- U.S.–Germany (1923), 387, 388–389, 390, 391, 392, 774, 801
- U.S.–Italy. See Italy: Commercial treaty.
- U.S.–Morocco (1836), 863, 868
- U.S.–Ottoman Empire (1830), 629, 636
- U.S.–Poland (1931), 543–551 passim
- Consular rights. See Italy: Consular convention.
- Dual nationality. See Military obligations, infra.
- Extradition (see also under Greece), U.S.–Liberia (Nov. 1), citation to text, 811
- France–Ottoman Empire (1740), 636
- German-Iranian convention for regulation of payments (1935), 761–766
- Hague Convention (1907), 642, 643
- Iran–Iraq, treaty of July 4, 726
- Knabenshue–Gouraud agreement regarding protection of U.S. citizens of Syrian and Lebanese origin (1921). See Syria and the Lebanon: U.S. citizens.
- Lausanne, Treaty of (1923), 923–924, 926, 931
- Liquor smuggling convention, U.S.-Great Britain (1924), 107, 110, 118, 121, 122
- Military obligations of persons having dual nationality: Hague protocol (1930), 581; U. S.-Lithuania (Oct. 18), 514–516; U. S.–Switzerland (Nov. 11), 579–582
- Montreux Convention for the Abolition of Capitulations in Egypt. See Egypt: Capitulations.
- Montreux Convention for Revision of Straits régime (1936), 617, 618
- Naturalization. See under Belgium; Lithuania.
- Oslo Conventions (1930 and May 28, 1937), 225, 226, 522, 523
- Soviet-Persian treaty (1921), 749, 759
- Taxation:
- U. S. rights in East Africa, U. S.-Belgian treaty and protocol (1923 and 1924) and U. S.-British convention (1925), cited, 939, 940
- U. S.-Turkey, protocol of 1874, 629, 636
- War claims, U. S.-Turkey (1923, and supplemental agreements), 954–958
- Turkey (see also
Syria and the Lebanon: U. S.
citizens), 941–958
- Capitulations, abolition of, 615
- Claims settlement, adjustment of payments due United States under agreement of 1923 and supplemental agreements, 954–958
- Montreux Convention for Revision of Straits régime (1936), 617, 618
- Palestine, national home for Jews, attitude toward, 881, 882
- Sanjak of Alexandretta, status of, 882
- Trade:
- Ulen and Co., 540
- Union of South Africa (see also Attitude of Commonwealth countries and Empire preferences under United Kingdom: Trade agreement with United States), Montreux Conference for the Abolition of Capitulations in Egypt, participation, 644, 647
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. See Soviet Union.
- United Kingdom (see also
Ethiopia: Missionary
activities; Palestine), 1–135
- Afghanistan, interest and representation in, 605–606, 610
- Egypt (see also under Egypt: Capitulations): Consular convention with, consideration of, 669; Treaty of Alliance with (1936), 622–623, 627, 632, 636, 676
- Halibut fishery of Northern Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea, representations by Canada and United States against projected voyage of British steamer to, 183–191
- Iran: Amiranian Oil Co., attitude toward concessions to, 748–749, 750–751, 758–759, 760; Anglo-Iranian Oil Co., 598, 736, 738, 744–747, 748, 757, 758–759
- Liberia. See under Liberia.
- Morocco, French Zone, trade with, 866, 867, 872–873, 874–878, 877, 878, 879
- Motion-picture legislation, U. S. concern over, 88–90, 91–93
- Pacific islands, conflicting British and U. S. claims to various islands, 125–135
- Poland, negotiations regarding payment of obligations to bondholders, 538, 539, 541, 542, 543
- Protest against seizure of motor vessel Miserinko by U. S. Coast Guard authorities, 107–124; previous similar cases, 110, 115–116, 119–120, 122
- Shipping, informal discussions with United States on restriction of trade between Australia and New Zealand to British shipping, 95–106
- Tanganyika Territory and Ruanda Urundi, treaty with Belgium regarding boundary line between (1934), U. S. reservation of rights, 939–940
- Trade agreement with United States, preliminary
discussions respecting, 1–94
- Attitude of—
- American Government, 1–3, 6–8, 11–13, 15–18, 19–21, 27–32, 37–38, 42–43, 46–48, 62–63, 65–68, 77–78, 83–85
- British Government, 8–10, 14–15, 18, 21, 22, 23–26, 35–37, 39–40, 41–42, 56–58, 71–72, 73–74, 76–77, 78–80, 81–83, 87–88
- Commonwealth countries, 10, 15, 32–33, 34–35, 40–41, 44–46, 48–55, 57, 58–62, 63–64, 68, 69, 75, 77, 80, 88
- Commodities, 7, 8, 24, 25, 38, 45, 52–56, 57–58, 64, 74, 76
- Empire preferences, question of, 7, 9–10, 12, 13–14, 15, 17–18, 20–21, 22, 25–26, 27–28, 30, 32, 36, 40, 41, 44, 52, 59, 61, 62, 67, 69, 74, 76, 80, 81, 85–88, 90–91
- Attitude of—
- United States Lines, 305, 307
- U. S. citizens:
- Naturalized citizens of German birth: Contribution to nation, 376; loyalty to United States, press release concerning, 381
- Protection of (see also Nationality, dual; and Syria and the Lebanon: U. S. citizens of Syrian or Lebanese origin): Ethiopia, 685, 637–688, 689, 690; Germany, 386–392, 395–405; Protection of Nationals Act (1907), 236, 937
- U. S. Maritime Commission, opinion on shipping situation in Tasman Sea, 98–103, 106; British reaction to, 104–106
- U. S. Post Office Department, activity regarding non-delivery of second class mail in Iran, 732–733
- U. S. Supreme Court, opinion on U. S.-Belgian naturalization convention of 1868, 237
- U. S. Treasury Department (see also Trade Agreements, Interdepartmental Committee on): Countervailing duties, imposition of, 528; double taxation convention between United States and France (1932), draft addendum, protocol, and commentary, 286–295; German currency policy, opinion on, 327–328, 346, 347; liquor smuggling from St. Pierre-Miquelon, opinion on proposed French decree, 301, 305–306, 307, 308, 310–311; tax policy, 202; U. S.-Norwegian treaty of friendship, commerce, and consular rights, interpretation of, 497
- Vatican (see also Roman Catholic Church): Ethiopia, action respecting Protestant missionaries expelled from, 712–713; Palestine, arrangements concerning holy places in, 898; Poland, attitude on anti-Semitic activity in, 561
- Warburg, Felix, 908, 909, 921
- War Claims Settlement Act (1928), 351, 364, 366
- Western Samoa. See New Zealand: Discrimination against American trade.
- Whale oil, 518, 521, 523–524
- Wise, Rabbi Stephen S., 553–554, 555, 556, 904, 909, 921
- World Court, 642–643
- Worship, freedom of, 652, 662
- Yugoslavia, 584–596
- Zionist Organization. See under Palestine.