611.6731/221: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Turkey (Kelley)
87. Your 13, October 26, 8 p.m. and despatch No. 357, September 21.14
1. Inform the Foreign Minister that if there is no objection on the part of the Turkish Government, preliminary announcement that negotiations are contemplated will be issued here for publication in morning newspapers Wednesday, November 3.15
2. The Department has no objection to Gillespie being designated by you to cooperate with the Turkish authorities as requested by Celal Bayar. You should of course follow discussions closely and keep Department fully informed as to their substance.
A copy of the standard general provisions sent with the Department’s instruction No. 166 of August 24, 1937,16 may be presented to and discussed with the Turkish authorities. The Department is mailing certain material prepared in explanation of our quota and exchange provisions for background use in discussions. While it may be possible to reach an understanding on many of the general provisions before the Turkish delegation comes to this country, final agreement on these provisions as well as on the schedules of concessions should await the delegation’s arrival here.
3. For your information, the Export-Import Bank has no information regarding a 5–year credit covering sales to the Turkish Government [Page 953] as mentioned in your paragraph 3. The Department does not wish to have this matter connected with the contemplated trade-agreement negotiations, but, if you consider it desirable, you may endeavor to obtain from the Turkish Government a fuller statement of their views regarding it.