882.635 Neep/28: Telegram
The Minister in the Netherlands (Gordon) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 15—2:45 p.m.]
114. Department’s telegram 73, December 8, 6 p.m. The following is from Patton61 who called at the Legation today. He had just visited Rotterdam when [where?] he was informed by a director of Muller and Company that samples of iron ore accidentally discovered in Liberia by diamond prospectors were submitted in 1935 to that company which endeavored to form exploration syndicate but “could not raise one dollar for that purpose in the Netherlands” whereupon the company’s interest ceased. Neep then took up the matter. Confidential report Amsterdamsche Bank to Netherlands Indian Trading Bank practically duplicates former’s cablegrams to Monrovia as cited in Department’s telegram under reference. Patton feels, however, that direct approach to Amsterdamsche Bank might reveal a somewhat different attitude and wishes to know if the Department would approve such action.
Amplifying report from Patton by next pouch62 and Legation is making other investigations.