365D.1163/85: Telegram

The Ambassador in Italy ( Phillips ) to the Secretary of State

291. Referring to my conversation concerning the expulsion of foreign missions from Ethiopia (see my 272, June 11, 11 a.m.), I have received a written communication dated June 18th from Count Ciano confirming the Duce’s decision to close all foreign mission schools in Ethiopia. The note continues “if the said missions, outside the educational field, intend to carry on work of humanitarian and philanthropic character any requests will in due time be examined when the juridical question of recognition of the Empire has become an accomplished fact.

As regards the property of foreign missions already established in Italian East Africa instructions have been given to the respective colonial governments to see that these missions receive fair indemnity; [Page 711] and on my part I shall not fail to use my good offices to facilitate if necessary the transactions and formalities involved in the liquidation of such indemnities”.
