123En3/560: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Iran (Engert)

43. Personal for Engert from Murray. Your 76, September 3, 10 a.m.18 Since Consul General White19 has only just completed his annual visit to Kabul no further visit from an American official would seem advisable at this moment.

You might inform the Afghan Foreign Minister that in view of the fact that you have taken charge such a short time ago in Teheran and are carrying on at the Legation more or less alone it would not be practicable for you to be absent at this time.

You may at the same time inform him in confidence that the Department has under consideration the advisability of my visiting Afghanistan during a possible tour of my area which, however, in all probability could not take place before early next year. It would be my intention to visit Teheran at the same time. In case it is not possible for me to make the visit to Kabul it is hoped that by that time you will be able to go. It is furthermore possible that the Department might desire us to proceed there together in connection with certain important matters that must be discussed. [Murray.]

  1. Not printed.
  2. J. C. White, Consul General at Calcutta.