660M.116/26: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Minister in Lithuania (Norem)
14. Your no. 43, December 13, noon. In view of the difficulty of establishing the American identity of American type motor cars assembled in Denmark, particularly when such cars are accompanied by Danish certificates of origin, you should not make any representations in this matter. Should a convenient opportunity present itself you may, however, evidence a friendly interest in it and make informal inquiry as to its present status.11
[There was no change in the general status of trade relations between the United States and Lithuania prior to the outbreak of war in Europe in 1939. No further representations were made with respect to alleged trade discriminations except such efforts as the American Legation could exert locally to facilitate American exports.]
- In despatch No. 177 (Diplomatic), June 25, 1938, the Minister in Lithuania reported that the Lithuanian authorities were including within the framework of the unpublished Lithuanian-Danish compensatory trade agreement of February 9, 1938, those automobiles “assembled in Denmark from parts manufactured in America and shipped to Lithuania accompanied by Danish certificates of origin.” (660M.116/27)↩