123 Dodd, William E./187

Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of European Affairs (Moffat)

Dr. Thomsen, German Chargé d’Affaires called this morning on Mr. Hugh Wilson85 at the latter’s request. Mr. Wilson referred to a conversation which Dr. Thomsen had had with Mr. Moffat on September 7 in which he had inquired whether Dr. Dodd was returning to his post in Berlin. Mr. Moffat had then replied that so far as he knew Dr. Dodd was returning to his post. Since then Mr. Wilson had made various inquiries and had now learned that while it was true that Dr. Dodd was returning about October 1st it would be for a relatively short period only and that he was planning to retire early in the year.

Dr. Thomsen at once said that this would unquestionably ease a situation which was causing his government concern, and added that he assumed that he might convey this information to Berlin as official. Mr. Wilson said yes, but explained that he felt it essential that neither the Germans nor ourselves refer to any conversations being held between us on the subject of Dr. Dodd’s future plans. Dr. Thomsen agreed. Mr. Wilson continued that no public announcement would be made but that he did not think the information would long be kept confidential.

Pierrepont Moffat
  1. Assistant Secretary of State.