
The German Ambassador (Dieckhoff) to the Counselor of the Department of State (Moore)


Dear Judge Moore: I have the honor to confirm the receipt of your letter of the 23rd instant, in which you ask for a statement, for your own information, as to whether, in the matter of the sabotage proceedings, the German Government would be ready to carry out the agreement if the award holders and the sabotage claimants waive all their remaining balances.

As the information at hand from Berlin does not suffice to reply to this question, which is of a hypothetical character, 1 have submitted the content of your letter to my Government, with a request for a statement of its position. As soon as a reply on this point has been received, I shall not fail to advise you without delay of the view of my Government.

As the German Agent advises me, the Commission intends to hear a number of witnesses on July 8th and the following days, who have been summoned by the serving of subpoenas, as the date of June 22nd originally set for that purpose had to be changed. I should like to avail myself of this opportunity to remark that I am of the opinion that the hearings should by no means be postponed once more, because [Page 362] a new question has been raised by your inquiry of the 23rd instant, to which a definitive answer cannot be given until after the receipt of information from Berlin; the proceedings before the Commission should, in my opinion, quietly continue to follow their [regular]53 course in the meantime.

Accept [etc.]

  1. Brackets appear in the file translation.