842.154 Seattle-Fairbanks Highway/134a
The Secretary of State to the Minister in Canada (Armour)
Sir: I am enclosing for your information and guidance a copy of an act (Public—No. 345—74th Congress—S. 1374) approved on August 26, 1935,40 requesting the President to enter into an agreement with the Dominion of Canada for the survey, location, and construction of a highway to connect the Pacific northwestern part of continental United States with British Columbia, the Yukon Territory, and the Territory of Alaska.
In compliance with the terms of this act you are requested to bring this matter formally to the attention of the Canadian Government, with a view to ascertaining whether or not the latter will be willing to enter into an agreement for the purposes mentioned.
For your own information reference is made to the Department’s instruction No. 13, of August 5, 1933,41 transmitting copies of the report submitted by the special commissioners42 appointed, under an act of Congress approved on May 15, 1930,43 to cooperate with representatives of Canada in a study of this proposed project.
You are requested to submit an early report on the action taken by you in compliance with this instruction.
Very truly yours,
Under Secretary