852.00/5050: Telegram

The Chargé in France (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

428. Reference my 416, March 27, noon. The Foreign Office states that the situation as regards the Italian attitude toward intervention in Spain has greatly improved. Following the press accounts of Delbos’ recent talks with the British and German Ambassadors, (my 409, March 25, 4 p.m.) the Italian Government inquired of the French Government if these conversations meant action was being considered against Italy: the French replied no but that the conversations had taken place because of the seriousness of the situation which appeared to be developing. The Italians had then given the French the assurances which they had previously given to the British, that Italy had not violated her obligations since February 20 when the ban on volunteers entered into effect, that the Italians who landed at Cadiz on March 5 were only doctors and medical personnel, and that Italy had no intention of violating her obligations under the Non-intervention Agreements. The Italian Government added that it saw no objection [Page 273] to consideration being given by the London Committee to the possibility of an agreement for the withdrawal of “volunteers”.

My informant went on to say that the situation had indeed calmed down “for the moment” and that it was likely that the question of withdrawal of volunteers would be discussed in London next week. He added that from the practical point of view this question offered almost insuperable obstacles.

It was also stated that the Valencia Government is no longer pressing the request for a special meeting of the League Council to consider the question of possible violation by Italy of the obligations of the Non-intervention Agreement of last August.

I was told that the control scheme can not yet enter officially into force for another week or 10 days: practically all the higher posts in connection with the application of the control have been filled; there remain however over 100 subordinate posts such as the agents of control on vessels going to Spain, the personnel for which has not yet been recruited. Cipher texts to London and Rome.
