- Abyssinia. See Ethiopia.
- Africa (see also Germany: Colonies; and under specific political divisions): Open-door policy, 810; suggested consortiums for development of, 49–50
- Agreements. See Treaties, conventions, etc.
- Air France. See under Spanish Civil War: Airplanes.
- Airplanes. See under Spanish Civil War.
- Albania: European political developments, report from, 207–210; Hull’s statement on principles of international policy, comments on, 754; Mediterranean (Nyon) Conference, non-participation in, 398
- Alexander, King of Yugoslavia, 208–209
- Alexandretta, 28–29
- Almería. See Deutschland–Almería incident.
- Alsace-Lorraine, 168, 170
- American Friends of Spanish Democracy, 284–286, 478
- American Red Cross, 479, 480, 489, 490, 507
- American States, Seventh International Conference of (Montevideo, 1933), 838, 841
- American States, Sixth International Conference of (Habana, 1928), 452
- Angola, 199
- Anti-Comintern Pact:
- Anti-Semitism in Germany, 174; Poland, 119, 165, 190
- Anti-War Treaty on Non-Aggression and Conciliation (Rio de Janeiro, 1933), 718
- Arbana, Agreement of (1930), 290
- Argentina: Hull’s statement on principles of international policy, comments on, 713, 721–722, 725–726, 737–738; Madrid Embassy refugees, 237, 486, 487; purchase of arms, ammunition, and implements of war from United States, 865; Uruguayan proposal for recognition of belligerent rights in Spain, attitude toward, 391; Whaling Agreement, 925, 927
- Armenia, 861
- Arms, ammunition, and implements of war (see also Spanish Civil War; Disarmament Conference; Economic cooperation and arms limitation under Conferences; Naval armament negotiations), U. S. policy regarding traffic in, 862–867, 870–871
- Australia, 746–748, 925, 927
- Austria:
- Agreement between Hitler and Mussolini with regard to, 79–80
- Czechoslovakian efforts toward rapprochement, 88–89
- French attitude toward, 153
- German attitude toward, 171, 196
- Hapsburgs, question of restoration, 52, 54, 67, 80–81
- Hull’s statement on principles of international policy, comments on, 704–705
- Indebtedness to United States, 861
- Nazi movement in, 54
- Rome–Berlin Axis, attitude toward, 82–83
- Uncertainties in, 52–53, 127, 158, 188
- Vatican support, 90–91
- Aviation: British program, 28; Soviet aviation, quality of, 28, 176
- Balearic Islands. See under Spanish Civil War.
- Balkan Entente (see also Little Entente), 180, 398, 779, 788, 791
- Baltic States, 71; relations with Scandinavian countries, 81
- Bank for International Settlements, 678
- Belgium (see also
Disarmament Conference; Oslo
States; Van Zeeland trade mission; Western Locarno Agreement):
- Chicago speech of President Roosevelt, reaction to, 136
- Colonies, German desire for, 184, 185, 199–200
- Economic cooperation, interest in U. S. desire for, 832–834, 834–835
- European political developments, report from, 136
- Germany, relations with, 83
- Hull’s statement on principles of international policy, comments on, 701, 741–742
- Indebtedness to United States, 861
- Leopold III, 64, 77, 685–687
- Liége-Namur line, 69
- Loyalist Government of Spain, aid to, 216, 230, 296
- Maintenance of integrity without reciprocal guarantees, 59, 61, 62–63
- Neutrality, 63, 68–69, 77, 78, 84, 90, 91, 96, 97, 116, 117; German assertions of respect for, 145–146, 832–833
- Rexists, or Belgian fascists, 154–155
- Snouck plan, 111–113
- Sugar export quotas, 938
- Belligerent rights. See under Spanish Civil War.
- Beneš, Eduard, 66–67, 78, 82, 90, 205; Ambassador Davies’ conversation with, 125–126; European political developments, opinion on, 129–131
- Berlin-Rome (-Tokyo) Axis, 82–83, 116, 128, 138, 147, 156, 179, 185, 202–204, 213
- Bilbao. See under Spanish Civil War.
- Blum, Léon, 26, 27, 31
- Bohemia: German nationals in, 25, 55, 119, 126, 146, 155, 163, 168, 170, 171–172, 184, 196–197, 205; iron deposits, 208
- Bolivia: Refugees in Madrid, 486; reply to Cuban proposal for joint mediation in Spanish Civil War, 466–467; reply to Uruguayan proposal for recognition of belligerent rights in Spain, 391
- Bolshevism, 44, 53, 130
- Boxer Protocol (1901), 701
- Brazil: Hull’s statement on principles of international policy, comments on, 724, 755–756, 768; sugar export quotas, 938; Uruguayan proposal for recognition of belligerent rights in Spain, attitude toward, 383, 384–385, 391
- Brussels Conference. See Nine-Power Conference.
- Buenos Aires Conference. See Inter-American Conference.
- Bulgaria, 180, 398; airplanes shipped to, for Spain, 566, 569, 570, 571, 573–574, 575; Hull’s statement on principles of international policy, comments on, 727; Yugoslavia, treaty of friendship with, 788
- Bullitt, William C., reports on conversations with Polish, Japanese, Italian, and German statesmen and diplomats, 162–177
- Bureau of the Disarmament Conference. See Disarmament Conference.
- Cameroons, 50, 173, 186, 198, 199, 200, 209
- Canada:
- Economic cooperation and arms limitation conferences, 648–649, 653–654
- Hull-King conversation concerning leadership of peace program, 641–648
- Hull’s statement on principles of international policy, comments on, 783–784
- International Sugar Agreement, failure to sign, 944
- Johnson Act, status of Canada within meaning of, 858–860
- League of Nations Raw Materials Committee, attitude toward, 809
- “Mackenzie” Battalion in Spanish Civil War, 526
- Whaling Agreement, 929–930
- Chamberlain, Neville:
- Commercial agreement between United States and United Kingdom, suggested, 73, 101, 103
- Delbos and Chautemps, conversations with, 179, 180–183, 186–188, 191–192
- Eden, Anthony, reports of disagreement with, 183
- European political developments, letters and memorandums relating to, 98–102, 131–132
- International situation: Appraisal of, 98–102; statement on, 86–88
- Italian Ambassador, meeting with, 113–114
- Mussolini, exchange of private letters with, 113–114, 425
- Naval patrol in Spanish Civil War, policy toward, 347–348
- Proposed visit to United States, 132
- U. S. reply to memorandum from, suggested, 98
- Chautemps, Camille, 115, 135, 136, 147–150, 180–181, 184, 186–188
- Chicago speech of President Roosevelt. See under Roosevelt, Franklin D.
- Chile: Hull’s statement on principles of international policy, comments on, 723; Madrid Embassy refugees, 486, 526–527, 528; purchase of airplanes in Italy and Germany, 866–867; Uruguayan proposal for recognition of belligerent rights in Spain, attitude toward, 383–384, 391
- China (see also Far Eastern situation): Chinese Eastern Railway, sale of, 606; Hull’s statement on principles of international policy, comments on, 781–782; purchase of warships and airplanes in France desired, 632; Sino-Soviet non-aggression agreement, 122
- Ciano di Cortellazzo, Count Galeazzo, 64, 71, 121–123, 156, 157, 216, 229, 230, 238–239, 259, 273, 615–616, 831–832, 972–973
- Colombia, 750–751
- Colonies. See under Germany.
- Comintern, 53, 130, 437
- Communism, 25, 34, 35, 37, 38, 40, 44; Loyalist Government, Communists in, 291, 436–439, 459–462, 476, 518; Communist Party in United States, volunteers for Spanish Civil War, 496, 519–521; German attitude toward spread of, 227
- Conferences:
- American States, Seventh International Conference of (Montevideo, 1933), 838, 841
- American States, Sixth International Conference of, (Habana, 1928), 452
- Brussels. See Nine-Power Conference.
- Buenos Aires. See Inter-American Conference.
- Disarmament. See Disarmament Conference.
- Economic cooperation and arms limitation conferences, attitude of Canada, 641–648; Denmark, 649; France, 648–649, 653–654; Germany, 638–641, 649–651; Italy, 655–661; United States, 641–649, 652–653, 654–655, 658, 661–664
- Little Entente Conference (Belgrade, Apr. 1), 66–68, 69
- London Naval Conference (1935), 662
- Mediterranean. See under Spanish Civil War.
- Monetary and Economic Conference (1933), 931
- Montreux (Apr. 12–May 8), 8, 804
- Nine-Power Conference. See Nine-Power Conference.
- Nyon. See Spanish Civil War: Mediterranean Conference.
- Oil pollution at sea, international conference to draft convention for prevention of, 970–974
- Oslo conferences. See under Oslo States.
- Sugar. See Sugar Conference, International.
- Textile Conference, I. L. O. (Apr. 2–17), 975–977
- Whaling. See Whaling Conference.
- World Conference, proposed, to reach agreement on principles of international conduct, 666–670; agenda, 660, 669; Vatican, attitude of, 660–661
- Congo, 199, 200
- Consular and diplomatic privileges, 991–994
- Conventions. See Treaties, conventions, etc.
- Costa Rica, 760–764
- Cuba (see also under Spanish Civil War): Hull’s statement on principles of international policy, comments on, 722; Sugar Conference, 938, 941, 942
- Currency stabilization, 835
- Czechoslovakia (see also
Beneš, Eduard
Little Entente):
- Attitude of various countries toward: France, 78–79, 84, 153, 188; Germany, 51–52, 78, 88, 89, 90, 168, 196–197; Poland, 40–41, 51, 119, 163, 189–190; Soviet Union, 79; United Kingdom, 51, 59, 84, 85, 93, 182, 189–190, 677
- Bohemia, German nationals in, 25, 55, 119, 126, 146, 155, 163, 168, 170, 171–172, 184, 196–197, 205
- Czech-French Agreement (1925), 59, 62, 70
- Czech-Russian Pact, 39
- European political developments, reports from, 129–131, 205
- Hull’s statement on principles of international policy, comments on, 703
- Minorities, treatment of, 205
- Portugal, severance of diplomatic relations with, 375
- Rapprochement with Austria, efforts toward, 88–89
- Small Maginot line, 125
- Sudeten-Germans. See Bohemia, supra.
- Sugar export quotas, 938, 939
- War debt owed United States, 846–847, 861
- Dahl, Harold, case of, 417, 528–531, 532–533, 534, 540, 547–548, 551, 552, 555
- Danubian countries: German assertion of right to control or annex, 155; problem of exchange control, 694, 695; situation of, 228
- Danzig, 25, 32–33, 35, 37, 163–164, 170
- Dawes and Young loans, 26, 106–109
- Debt commission, international, proposed, 856–857
- Debts. See War debts.
- Denmark (see also Disarmament Conference; Oslo States): British markets, dependence on, 829; Hull’s statement on principles of international policy, comments on, 752–753; rumor concerning U.S. desire for peace convocation in, 649; Scandinavian-Baltic bloc, 80–81
- Deutschland-Almería incident, 308–328 passim, 332, 335, 338, 339, 458
- Diplomatic and consular privileges, 991–994
- Disarmament Conference, meeting of the Bureau (Geneva, May 31), 1–23
- Dominican Republic:
- Economic cooperation, international (see also Economic cooperation, etc., under Conferences; Oslo States; Van Zeeland trade mission):
- Ecuador, 730–732
- Eden, Anthony: British Cabinet, relations with, 49, 424; disagreement with Chamberlain, reports of, 183; European political developments, conversation on, 58–60, 72–74; speeches, 26, 354, 425, 427; visit to Brussels, 82, 83, 153
- Egypt, 639, 759
- Ellender, Sen. Allen Joseph, statement concerning Canada, 858, 859–860
- El Salvador: Buenos Aires conventions, ratification of, 384; Cuban proposal of joint mediation in Spanish Civil War, reply to, 467; Hull’s statement on principles of international policy, comments on, 771
- Entente Orientale, 780
- Estonia: Hull’s statement on principles of international policy, comments on, 757; war debt owed United States, 847–848, 861; Scandinavian-Baltic bloc, 81
- Ethiopia, 65, 66, 67, 115, 116, 122, 128, 129, 141, 159, 166, 209, 210, 216, 407, 607, 804, 805
- European political developments (see also specific
subject headings), 24–214
- Analyses by U. S. diplomatic missions, reports from Albania, 207–210; Belgium, 136; Czechoslovakia, 129, 131, 205; Disarmament Conference, American delegation, 72–74; France, 27–29, 46–56, 61–64, 66–71, 77–80, 84–86, 88–92, 93–98, 106–107, 115, 116–119, 123–124, 132–136, 136–137, 147–151, 152–153, 158–159, 180–183, 186–188, 206–207; Geneva, U. S. Consul at, 194–195, 202–204; Germany, 82–83, 92–93, 115–116, 138–139, 145–146, 154–155, 159–161, 167–177; Greece, 179–180; Italy, 60–61, 71, 121–123, 156–157, 166–167, 205–206; Lithuania, 56–58; Netherlands, 111–113; Norway, 41–46, 80–82; Poland, 24–26, 32–37, 40–41, 120–121, 137–138, 147, 151–152, 162–165, 189–191, 211–214; Soviet Union, 29–31, 39–40, 109–111, 124–127; Switzerland, 31–32, 38–39; United Kingdom, 58–60, 64–66, 74–77, 86–88, 98–102, 113–114, 127–129, 131, 177–179, 183–185, 191–194
- Review of (Mar. 1935–Nov. 1937), 193–194
- U. S. attitude toward, 26–27, 98, 102–106, 107–109, 113, 140–145, 154
- Far Eastern situation:
- British policy, 100–101, 127–129, 132, 182, 192
- Bullitt, conversation with Japanese Ambassador in Poland, 165–166
- French policy, 137, 182
- Incidents between Japan and Soviet Union, 124
- Nine-Power Pacific Pact. See Nine-Power Conference.
- Sino-Japanese conflict, 141–145, 175, 176, 177, 194; U. S. Neutrality Act not applied to, 451, 464
- Turkey, 780
- U. S. policy, 103–105, 451–464, 697–699
- U. S. rearmament program, effect of, 87–88
- Fernandez, Antonio. See American citizens arrested under Spanish Civil War: Protection of lives and property.
- Fascism, 25, 253–256, 435, 660
- Finland (see also Disarmament Conference; Oslo States): Hull’s statement on principles of international policy, comments on, 784–785; intermediary between Scandinavian and Baltic countries, 81; Madrid Legation refugees, 487
- France (see also
Disarmament Conference; Western
Locarno Agreement; and under
Spanish Civil War):
- Austria, 153
- Beck–Delbos conversations, 50–51, 189–191
- Chamberlain–Chautemps–Delbos conversations, 179, 180–183, 186–188, 191–192
- Chicago speech of President Roosevelt, reaction to, 132–133, 135, 136
- Czechoslovakia, attitude toward, 78–79, 84, 153, 188
- Diminution of influence in Central and Eastern Europe, 78–79
- Economic cooperation and arms limitation conferences, 653–654
- European political developments, reports concerning, 27–29, 46–56, 61–64, 66–71, 77–80, 84–86, 88–92, 93–98, 106–107, 115, 116–119, 123–124, 132–136, 136–137, 147–151, 152–153, 158–159, 180–183, 186–188, 206–207
- Germany, attitude toward, 91, 92; Dawes and Young loans, refusal to reduce interest rate, 106; rapprochement, question of, 55–56, 151; renewal of commercial agreement (1927), 28, 48; return of German colonies, 184–185, 186
- Hull’s statement on principles of international policy, comments on, 711–713, 749–750
- Italy, 182
- League of Nations, events warranting change of viewpoint toward, 212–214
- Liége–Namur line, 69
- Little Entente, relations with, 66–67, 69–71
- Maginot Line, 69, 78
- Moroccan situation, 217–219, 220, 228–229, 409
- Naval armaments limitation, 619, 620, 632–633
- Railroads, nationalization of, 119
- Rearmament, 69, 96
- Rome–Berlin Axis, 185
- Rumania, relations with, 206–207
- Sugar reserve, 938
- Treaties of mutual assistance with—
- Czechoslovakia (1925), 59, 62, 70
- Van Zeeland trade mission, 673, 684, 689
- War debt owed United States, 848–850, 861
- Western Locarno Agreement, 63
- Franco, Gen. Francisco. See under Spanish Civil War.
- Germany (see also
Anti-Comintern Pact; Western
Locarno Agreement; and under
Spanish Civil War):
- Aspirations in Western world, 141
- Assertions of desire for peace, 27, 28
- Austria, attitude toward, 171, 196
- Belgium: Attitude toward, 83; assertions of respect for neutrality, 69, 145–146, 832–833; desire for colonies of, 181, 184, 185, 199–200
- Chicago speech of President Roosevelt, reaction to, 138–139
- China, interests in, 611
- Colonies, question of return of, 46, 49–50, 59, 76–77, 84, 92, 95, 128, 139, 153, 158, 168, 173, 181, 184–185, 186, 198–200, 201–202, 429, 675
- Concentration camps, 45
- Czechoslovakia: Attitude toward, 51–52, 78, 88, 89, 90, 168, 196–197; Sudeten-Germans, 25, 55, 119, 126, 146, 155, 168, 170, 171–172, 184, 196–197, 205
- Danube zone, assertion of right to control or annex, 155
- Dawes and Young loans, 26, 106–109
- Disarmament, attitude toward, 2, 197–198
- Drang nach Osten policy, 57
- Economic conditions in, 92–93, 161
- Economic cooperation and arms limitation conferences, 638–641, 649–651
- European political developments, reports from, 82–83, 92–93, 115–116, 138–139, 145–146, 154–155, 159–161, 167–177
- France: Attitude toward, 168, 169, 170–171; list of suggested proposals to, 29; rapprochement, question of, 55–56, 151; renewal of commercial agreement (1927), 28, 48
- Goebbels, Josef, 28, 99, 118
- Goering, Hermann, 25, 37, 118, 170–177, 229
- Hitler, Adolf, 25, 27–28, 31, 39–40, 43, 53, 56, 57, 74, 75, 76, 80, 84, 85, 87, 88, 93, 95, 116–117, 118, 125, 131,
163, 169–170, 227–228, 313, 317,
412, 638, 832
- Authorization of maps showing Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland as parts of Germany, 638
- Halifax–Hitler conversations, 159–161, 177–179, 181, 183–185, 186, 191, 195–202, 208, 213
- Lansbury–Hitler conversation, 76, 650–651, 653, 654
- March into Rhineland, 75
- Mein Kampf, 34, 35, 40, 213
- Offer to guarantee Belgium’s territorial integrity, 69
- “Pin-pricking” policy, 45–46
- Speeches, 38–39, 48, 240
- Hull’s statement on principles of international policy, comments on, 768
- Indebtedness to United States, 861
- Jews, position of, 174
- Latin America, German influence and ambitions in, 195, 641
- League of Nations: Attitude toward, 62, 63–64, 65, 167; participation in Raw Materials Committee, 803–804, 804–805, 806, 809
- Nationals in other countries (see also Sudeten-Germans under Czechoslovakia, supra), 36, 163–164, 168, 171–172, 638
- Naval agreement with United Kingdom (July 17), 629n
- Naval armaments limitation, position on, 619, 620, 627, 629
- Nazi Party: Attitude toward Church and Jews, 174; Austria, movement in, 54; conditions under, 638–639; foreign policy, 159; formation of Nazi units in United States, 174–175; leaders and methods, 32, 35, 48; Nuremberg celebrations, 123; program of, 142; Swiss recognition, 155
- Nine-Power Conference, refusal to attend, 429
- Oil pollution at sea, attitude toward draft international convention for prevention of, 970–972
- Poland: Relations with, 32–37, 163–164; declaration of non-aggression, 32, 120
- Rearmament, 24–26, 34, 57–58, 78, 91, 96, 193–194
- Remilitarization of Rhineland, 25, 75, 130, 136–137, 194
- Report by Ambassador Bullitt of conversations with Goering, 170–177; Schacht, 169–170; Von Neurath, 167–169
- Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 58, 609
- “Right” to special spheres of influence in Europe, 197
- Rome–Berlin (– Tokyo) Axis, 82–83, 116, 128, 138, 147, 156, 179, 185, 202–204, 213
- Rumania, influence in, 57
- Schacht, Hjalmar: Conversations with Bullitt, 169–170, and Davies, 29–30; Dawes and Young loans, assertions on, 106–109; Frankfort speech, 35; Leopold III, audience with, 832, 833
- Sino-Japanese conflict, position on, 168–169, 175
- Soviet Union, relations with, 25–26; rapprochement, 43–46
- Sudeten-Germans. See under Czechoslovakia, supra.
- Sugar export quotas, 938
- Textile Conference, I. L. O. (Apr. 2–17), participation in, 639, 975–977
- Trade barriers, 173; assertions of collaboration in lowering, 832–834, 836–838
- United Kingdom: Attitude toward, 43–44, 168, 177; list of suggested proposals to, 29; naval agreement (July 17), 627, 629n
- U. S. relations with, 173–175; treaty of friendship, commerce and consular rights (1923), 985, 986, 987
- Versailles Treaty, 34, 35, 168, 171, 173; withdrawal of signature from, 194
- Whaling Agreement, 925, 927; whaling industry, 920
- Youth movement, 186–187
- Gibraltar, 42, 375
- Goebbels, Josef, 28, 99, 118
- Goering, Hermann, 25, 37, 118, 170–177, 229
- Good Neighbor policy, 762, 774
- Great Britain. See United Kingdom.
- Greece:
- Guatemala, 738–739
- Haiti: Cuban proposal of joint mediation in Spanish Civil War, reply to, 467; Hull’s statement on principles of international policy, comments on, 755; sugar export quotas, 938
- Halifax, Lord: Conversations with Hitler, 159–161, 177–179, 181, 183–185, 186, 191, 208, 213; statement by, 195–202
- Hanover Sales Corp., Spanish Civil War, 535, 577, 601
- Hapsburgs, question of restoration, 52, 54, 67, 80–81
- Hitler, Adolf. See under Germany.
- Honduras, 742–743
- Howard Aircraft Corp., Spanish Civil War, 599–600
- Hull, Cordell (Secretary of State):
- Conversation with Mackenzie King concerning leadership of peace program, 641–648
- Correspondence relating to State Department views on neutrality legislation, 868–873
- Instructions to diplomatic and consular officers in Latin America regarding traffic in arms, 862–867
- Statement on fundamental principles of international policy. See International policy.
- Statement to British Chargé on reports of Economic and Finance Committees at Geneva, 820
- Statement to diplomatic and consular officers concerning international economic cooperation, 841–845
- Hungary, 66, 67, 69, 71, 127; Hull’s statement on principles of international policy, comments on, 706–708, 717–719; sugar export quotas, 938; war debt owed United States, 850–855, 861
- Hunzedal Co., N. V., Spanish Civil War, 566, 569–575, 576, 579, 582–583
- I. G. Farben, 640
- Indo-China, French, 422; munitions shipped through, to China, 150–151
- Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Peace (Buenos Aires, 1936), 383, 384, 639n, 642–643, 649, 650, 662, 683, 704, 720, 721, 722, 724, 738, 740, 743, 744, 751, 755, 762, 827–828, 831, 838
- International Banking Corp., 479, 480
- International Brigade, 226, 236, 292, 531; statements by U. S. volunteers attempting discharges from, 556–557
- International conduct to maintain peace, proposal for concerted effort to reach agreement on principles of, 665–670
- International conferences. See Conferences.
- International Debt Commission, proposed, 856–857
- International economic cooperation. See Economic cooperation.
- International Labor Organization Textile Conference (Apr. 2–17), 639, 975–977
- International law, U. S. official statements and Spanish Loyalist Government’s attitude toward, 450–453
- International policy, Secretary of State Hull’s statement on
fundamental principles of (July 16), 697–802
- Clarifications of statement, 702, 726, 736, 740–741
- Press conference, 697–699
- Requests for comments, 700–701, 703–704, 721, 749, 781, and replies by Albania, 754; Argentina, 713, 721–722, 725–726, 737–738; Australia, 746–748; Austria, 704–705; Belgium, 701, 741–742; Brazil, 724, 755–756, 768; Bulgaria, 727; Canada, 783–784; Chile, 723; China, 781–782; Colombia, 750–751; Costa Rica, 760–764; Cuba, 722; Czechoslovakia, 703; Denmark, 752–753; Dominican Republic, 751–752; Ecuador, 730–732; Egypt, 759; El Salvador, 771; Estonia, 757; Finland, 784–785; France, 711–713, 749–750; Germany, 768; Greece, 791, 798–799; Guatemala, 738–739; Haiti, 755; Honduras, 742–743; Hungary, 706–708; 717–719; Iran, 715, 767–768, 800–802; Iraq, 767, 788–789; Irish Free State, 759–760, 776–778; Italy, 708–709, 785–786; Japan, 701–702, 787; Latvia, 744–746; League of Nations, 802; Liberia, 770–771; Lithuania, 716–717; Little Entente, 802; Luxembourg, 778–779; Mexico, 769–770; Netherlands, 710; New Zealand, 753; Nicaragua, 734–736; Norway, 713–714, 766–767; Panama, 764–766; Paraguay, 714–715; Peru, 737; Poland, 709–710, 773–776; Portugal, 719, 776, 791–797; Rumania, 782, 786; Siam, 788; Soviet Union, 705–706, 772–773; Spanish Loyalist Government, 789–790; Sweden, 715–716; Switzerland, 727–730; Turkey, 726, 732–733, 779–780, 797–798; Union of South Africa, 757–759; United Kingdom, 756–757; Uruguay, 720–721; Yugoslavia, 787–788, 799–800
- International Rubber Regulation Committee. See Rubber production restrictions.
- International Sugar Agreement. See under Sugar Conference.
- International Sugar Conference. See Sugar Conference.
- International Sugar Council. See Sugar Council.
- International Telecommunications Convention (1932), 290
- International Telephone and Telegraph Corp. (Spain), 551
- Iran, 715, 767–768, 800–802
- Iraq, 767, 788–789
- Irish Free State: Hull’s statement on principles of international policy, comments on, 759–760, 776–778; Whaling Conference, 924, 925, 927
- Italy (see also
Anti-Comintern Pact; Western
Locarno Agreement; and under
Spanish Civil War):
- Ciano di Cortellazzo, Count Galeazzo, 64, 71, 121–123, 156, 157, 216, 229, 230, 238, 239, 259, 273, 615–616, 831–832, 972–973
- Economic cooperation and arms limitation conferences, 655–661
- European political developments, reports from, 60–61, 71, 121–123, 156–157, 166–167, 205–206
- Gunnery practice in Italian waters for German fleet, 617
- Hull’s statement on principles of international policy, comments on, 708–709, 785–786
- Indebtedness to United States, 861
- Latin America, influence in, 195
- League of Nations: Raw Materials Committee, 804, 805, 806, 809; withdrawal from, 194–195, 202
- Mediterranean Accord (Jan. 2), 42, 216–217, 230
- Mussolini, Benito, 28, 47, 48, 54, 65, 72, 74–80 passim, 90, 93, 95, 118, 121, 125, 131, 133, 156, 166, 182, 188, 202, 229, 294, 356–357, 403, 404, 412, 418, 422–425, 429, 606, 638, 639, 641
- Naval armaments limitation, 619, 621, 628–629, 633, 635–636
- Nine-Power Conference, refusal to join, 615
- Oil pollution at sea, attitude toward draft international convention for the prevention of, 970, 971, 972–973
- Press campaign against France, 156, 159, 182; United Kingdom, 156, 182; United States, 156
- Rearmament program, 65
- Recognition of Empire, desire for, 166, 616
- Report by Bullitt of conversations in, 166–167
- Ribbentrop’s visit to Rome, 609
- Rome–Berlin (–Tokyo) Axis, 82–83, 116, 128, 138, 147, 156, 179, 185, 202–204, 213
- South Tyrol, German nationals in, 172
- Syndicalists, 280
- Textile Conference, I. L. O. (Apr. 2–17), 976
- United Kingdom: Deterioration of relations, 65–66; Mediterranean Accord (Jan. 2), 42, 216–217, 230; press campaign against, 156, 182; propaganda in Near East, anti-British, 185
- Vatican, 660–661
- Yugoslavia: Negotiations with, 259–260, 266–267; pact with (Mar. 25), 66–68, 69–71, 788
- Japan (see also
Anti-Comintern Pact; Far
Eastern situation):
- Anglo-French attitude toward, 182
- China, objectives in, 129
- Disarmament convention proposed, attitude toward, 19
- Economic and financial condition, 166
- Hull’s statement on principles of international policy, comments on, 701–702, 787
- League of Nations Raw Materials Committee, attitude toward, 805–806, 812, 813, 818
- Naval armaments limitation, 73–74, 618–635 passim; statements as to intentions, 622–623, 634–635
- Oil pollution at sea, attitude toward draft international convention for the prevention of, 971
- Panay, attack on, 210
- Philippines: Attitude toward, 986; nationals in, 978
- Rearmament program, Japanese, 60
- Rearmament program, U. S., effect of, 87–88
- Recognition of Franco regime in Spain, rumor of, 616
- Report by Bullitt of conversation with Japanese Ambassador in Poland, 165–166
- Reversion to law of force, 141–145
- Rome–Berlin–Tokyo Axis, 202–204, 213
- Shanghai, attack on, 122
- Trade problems, U. S. progressive adjustment of, 104–105
- Whaling industry, 920, 923; Conference, 925
- Java, 938, 941
- Jews, position of: Germany, 174; Poland, 119, 165, 190
- Johnson Act (1934), 676, 849, 858–861
- Jones–Costigan Act (1934), 949
- Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928), 718, 728, 729, 733, 743, 745, 747, 772, 785
- King, Mackenzie, 641–648
- Lansbury, George, 76, 650–651, 653, 654
- Latin America (see also specific countries):
- Latvia: Hull’s statement on principles of international policy, comments on, 744–746; indebtedness to United States, 861; Scandinavian-Baltic bloc, 81
- League of Nations (see also under
Spanish Civil War):
- Article XVI of Covenant, 187
- Attitude toward naval armaments limitation, 621–622; Rome–Berlin (–Tokyo) Axis, 147, 202–204; Van Zeeland mission, 836–837
- Danzig harbor incident, 33
- Disarmament Section of Secretariat, 4
- Draft convention for prevention of oil pollution at sea, consideration of, 970–974
- Economic cooperation, U. S. interest in furthering League efforts to promote, 803–825
- Events warranting change of viewpoint in relation to, 212–214
- François-Poncet’s evaluation of, 123
- Germany, relation to, 62, 63, 65, 197
- Hull’s statement on principles of international policy, comments on, 802
- Italian withdrawal from, 194–195, 202
- Sugar Conference, circular letter implementing, 931–932
- World peace through economic cooperation, attitude toward, 836–837
- Leipzig incident, 110, 282, 332–336 passim, 339, 340, 371, 392
- Leopold III (King of the Belgians), 64, 77, 685–687
- Liberia, 770–771
- Libya, 65, 421
- Lithuania: European political developments, report from, 56–58; Hull’s statement on principles of international policy, comments on, 716–717; indebtedness to United States, 861; Scandinavian-Baltic bloc, 81
- Little Entente (see also Balkan Entente), 26, 54, 78, 127, 209, 788, 802
- Litvinov, Ivy Low, 53
- Litvinov, Maxim, 39, 53, 79, 94, 705–706
- Locarno Agreement, Western. See Western Locarno Agreement.
- Locarno treaties (1925), 2, 60–61, 120, 121, 675
- Lodge, Sen. Henry Cabot, 873
- London Naval Conference (1935), 662
- London Naval Treaties: 1930, 623; 1936, 618, 619, 620, 623, 624, 626, 627, 628, 630, 633, 634, 636
- London Non-Intervention Committee. See Spanish Civil War: Non-intervention: Committee, International.
- Luxembourg (see also Oslo States), 778–779
- Maginot Line, 69, 78
- Majorca. See Spanish Civil War: Balearic Islands.
- Malaya, rubber production in, 897, 902
- “Manchoukuo,” 141, 607–608, 616
- McNutt, Paul V. (Philippine High Commissioner), 985–986, 987
- Mediterranean Accord, Anglo-Italian (Jan. 2), 42, 216–217, 230
- Mediterranean (Nyon) Conference. See under Spanish Civil War.
- Mediterranean situation, 142, 179–180, 209–210; Davies’ evaluation of, 124
- Memel, 25
- Mexico (see also under Spanish Civil War), 769–770
- Middle Eastern (Saadabad) Pact (July 8), 753–754, 779n, 801, 802
- Minorca. See Spanish Civil War: Balearic Islands.
- Monetary and Economic Conference (1933), 931
- Monetary matters (see also under Spanish Civil War: Protection of lives and property):
- Montreux Conference (Apr. 12–May 8), 8, 804
- Montreux (Straits) Convention (1936), 377
- Morocco (Spanish Zone), 217–219, 220, 228–229, 409
- Mussolini, Benito. See under Italy.
- Most-favored-nation principle, 827
- National Foreign Trade Council, Inc., 536, 548, 549, 550
- Naval armament negotiations, 618–637
- Anglo-Russian and Anglo-German naval agreements, 627, 629n
- Countries agreeing to 14–inch guns, 619, 620
- London Naval Treaties: 1930, 623; 1936, 618, 619, 620, 623, 624, 626, 627, 628, 630, 633, 634, 636
- Position of various countries in regard to:
- Roosevelt’s statement regarding calibre of guns on U. S. capital ships, 636–637
- U. S.-British discussions, 625–628, 629
- Washington Naval Treaty (1922), 103, 623, 630, 631, 636–637
- Nazi Party. See under Germany.
- Near East, Italian anti-British propaganda in, 185
- Netherlands (see also
Disarmament Conference
Oslo States):
- Economic cooperation, interest in U. S. desire for, 826, 827–831, 834, 839–840
- European political developments, report from, 111–113
- Hull’s statement on principles of international policy, comments on, 710
- Madrid Embassy refugees, 486
- Rubber production restrictions, attitude toward, 877–880, 884–885, 888, 899–901
- Snouck plan for Western European security pact, 111–113
- Neutrality (see also Spanish Civil War: Non-intervention; and under Belgium):
- New Zealand, 753, 925, 927
- Nicaragua:
- Nine-Power (Brussels) Conference (Nov. 3–24), 134, 139, 422, 608, 610, 834, 968; German refusal to attend, 429, 610–611; Italian refusal to join, 615
- Non-intervention. See under Spanish Civil War.
- Norway (see also Disarmament Conference; Oslo States):
- Nye Committee, 683–684
- Nyon Conference. See Spanish Civil War: Mediterranean Conference.
- Oil pollution at sea, U. S. effort to obtain German and Italian consideration of draft international convention for prevention of, 970–974
- Open cities, attack on, 87, 290
- Open-door policy, 810, 816
- Orr, Charles A. and Lois C., case of, 518
- Oslo States:
- Ottawa Agreements (1932), 73, 810
- Panama, 764–766
- Pan American movement, 838
- Paraguay, 467, 486, 714–715
- Peru:
- Hull’s statement on principles of international policy, comments on, 737
- Sugar: Allotments under article 9(c) of International Sugar Agreement, question of, 952–953, 959, 960, 961, 962–965, 966, 967–968, 969; export quotas, 938, 954; participation in U. S. market, question of, 952–953, 954
- Uruguayan proposal for recognition of belligerent rights in Spain, reply to, 391
- Peterhoff, The, 601, 602, 603
- Philippines:
- Independence Act (1934), cited, 979, 983–984, 988, 990
- Japan: Attitude toward, 986; nationals in, 978
- Passports for foreign military or naval service, U. S. instructions regarding, 871–872
- Quezon, Manuel L. (President), desire to attend British coronation, 978–979
- Refugees in Spain, U. S. assistance to, 476, 479, 481–482
- Regulation of relations between Philippine Government and foreign consuls, 980–990
- Sugar: Representation at International Sugar Conference and on Sugar Council. 932. 954, 956, 958: quotas, 937, 940, 942, 954; stipulations favoring, in case of change in U. S.-Philippine relationship, 949
- U. S. plans regarding future of, 978–979, 984
- Pittman, Sen. Key, neutrality speech, 376–377, 379
- Pius XI (Pope), as mediator in Spanish conflict, 367, 372, 373
- Poland:
- Anti-Comintern Pact, refusal to join, 609
- Baltic bloc, 81
- Beck–Delbos conversations, 50–51, 189–191
- Chicago speech of President Roosevelt, 137–138, 151–152
- Communism, attitude toward. 35
- Czechoslovakia, relations with, 40–41, 119, 163, 189–190
- Declaration of 1934, 32–37
- Economic and financial situation, 119, 165
- European political developments, reports from, 24–26, 32–37, 40–41, 120–121, 137–138, 147, 151–152, 162–165, 189–191, 211–214
- Franco-Polish Alliance, 32, 34, 62. 120, 158, 189; Belgian neutrality, relation to, 77; conversations concerning, 206
- Germany: Declaration of non-aggression, 32, 120; German nationals in Poland, 36, 163–164, 168, 172; relations with, 32–37
- Hull’s statement on principles of international policy, comments on, 709–710, 773–776
- Indebtedness to United States, 861
- Insurgent government in Spanish Civil War, aid to, 425
- Jews, position of, 119, 165, 190
- League of Nations Raw Materials Committee, attitude toward, 805, 808, 809, 811, 812
- Madrid Embassy refugees, 486
- Military potential, 27
- Poznan agricultural area, 35
- Report by Bullitt of conversations in, 162–165
- Rumania, conversations with, 87
- Soviet Union, attitude toward, 51
- Sugar export quotas, 938
- Western Locarno pact, desire for inclusion in, 120–121, 165
- Portugal:
- Colonies, German desire for, 181, 184, 185, 199–200
- Czechoslovakia, severance of diplomatic relations with, 375
- Hull’s statement on principles of international policy, comments on, 719, 776, 791–797
- Iberian policy, 354
- Insurgent government in Spanish Civil War, aid to, 425
- International frontier control in Spanish conflict, attitude toward, 234, 235, 239, 241, 242–247, 361; Anglo-Portuguese Agreement regarding observers, 250
- Puerto Rico, U. S. assistance to refugees in Spain, 476, 479, 481–482
- Rearmament programs (see also under Germany; United Kingdom): France, 69, 96; Italy, 65; Japan, 60, and effect of U. S. program on, 87–88
- Red Cross, American, 479, 480, 489, 490, 507
- Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 58, 609
- Rome–Berlin (–Tokyo) Axis, 82–83, 116, 128, 138, 147, 156, 179, 185, 202–204, 213
- Roosevelt, Franklin D. (President):
- Basques, reply to letter from the, 414
- Buenos Aires speech, 30
- Calibre of guns on U. S. capital ships, press statement regarding, 636–637
- Chicago speech (Oct. 5), 132–133, 135, 136–139, 151–152, 154, 210, 413, 425, 450, 464, 665
- European political developments, letter relating to, 26–27, 113, 154
- Furtherance of peace in Europe, rumored move in, 24, 25, 27
- Letters to—
- Non-intervention, statement on, 348
- Pulaski Day address, 152
- Van Zeeland trade mission, joint statement concerning, 682–683
- Rubber production restrictions, reduction of, 874–919
- Netherlands position, 877–880, 884–885, 888, 899–901
- Rubber Manufacturers Assn., 875, 891, 894, 911
- Stevenson Plan, 907, 914
- United Kingdom, attitude toward, 881–883, 894–897, 901–902, 912–914, 916–918
- U. S. position, 874–876, 885–887, 888–893, 897–899, 902–912, 914–916, 918–919; request for specific changes, 892–893
- Rumania (see also Little Entente):
- Russia. See Soviet Union.
- Saadabad (Middle Eastern) Pact (July 8), 753–754, 779n, 801, 802
- St. Germain Convention (1919), 810–811
- St. Pierre-et-Miquelon, 47, 54
- Samoa, 199
- Santander. See under Spanish Civil War.
- Schacht, Hjalmar. See under Germany.
- Schuschnigg, Kurt von (Chancellor), conversation with Mussolini, 82
- Securities and Exchange Commission, 860, 861
- Sherover, Miles M., Spanish Civil War, 535–536, 543, 549, 550–551, 577, 579, 586, 590–591
- Siam, 788
- Sino-Japanese conflict, 141–145, 168–169, 175, 176, 177, 697; outbreak of, 194; U. S. Neutrality Act not applied to, 451, 464
- Société Française de Transports Aériens, 576, 584, 590, 591, 594
- Soviet Union (see also under
Spanish Civil War):
- Airplanes sold by United States to, 597–598
- Anti-Comintern Pact, protest against, 614
- Aviation, quality of, 28, 176
- China, non-aggression agreement with, 122
- Comintern, 53, 130, 437
- Czechoslovakia; Attitude toward, 79; pact with, 39
- European political developments, reports from, 29–31, 39–40, 109–111, 124–127
- Franco-Russian Pact (1935), 2, 39, 59, 62, 158, 167, 188
- Germany, relations with, 25–26; rapprochement, 43–46
- Hull’s statement on principles of international policy, comments on, 705–706, 772–773
- Indebtedness to United States, 861
- League of Nations Raw Materials Committee, 812
- Mass executions in, 53
- Naval agreement with United Kingdom (July 17), 627, 629n
- Naval armaments, limitation, 619, 620, 627, 629
- Spain, influence in, 436–439
- Stalin, Josef V., 44, 53, 130, 131
- Sugar export quotas, 938
- Textile Conference, representation at, 977n
- Torpedoing of two Soviet ships in Mediterranean, protest to Italy concerning, 387, 389–390, 391–393, 395
- Trotskyist movement, 40, 53, 518
- United Kingdom, question of rapprochement, 94
- Spain (see also Spanish Civil War): Disarmament Conference, 12; treaty of friendship and general relations with United States (1902), 468; Soviet influence in, 436–439
- Spanish Civil War, 215–604
- Airplanes:
- Air France, airplanes supposedly purchased for, 577–580, 582–584, 590
- Appeal of Spanish Ambassador in Mexico for U. S. planes, 584–585
- Hunzedal planes, 566, 569–575, 576, 579, 582–583
- Joint Resolution of U. S. Congress (Jan. 8), effect on shipments direct or indirect to Spain, 567, 587
- Shipments of U. S. planes to Spain from Mexico: Reports concerning, 576, 577, 580, 580–581, 591–594, 596–597, 603–604; Bellanca, 584, 590–591; Howard, 599–600; U. S. correspondence concerning, 567–568, 580, 581–582
- Shipments to Bulgaria for Spain, 566, 569, 570, 571, 573–574, 575
- Statement by Mexico regarding sending of war materials of foreign origin to Spain, 564, 567–569, 584–587; U. S. view, 587–590
- Transactions with Miles M. Sherover, 577, 579, 586, 590–591
- Transshipments through France, question of, 566, 569–575, 576–580, 582–584, 590–591, 594, 596, 598–599
- U. S. planes in Loyalist air force, 595–596, 597–598
- American Friends of Spanish Democracy, 284–286, 478
- Anarchists, 55, 226–227, 240–241, 255, 280, 291, 292, 460
- Anarcho-syndicalists, 438
- Andalusia, fall of, 444
- Aragon front, 423–425, 457, 458
- Badájoz, massacre of civil employees, 382
- Balearic Islands: Italian control of, 134, 148, 150, 159, 166, 267, 404, 406, 413, 420, 421, 434; submarine bases in, 411
- Barcelona, transfer of Loyalist Government from Valencia to, 430, 432, 440, 442–443, 446, 457–459
- Basques (see also Bilbao, infra):
- Belligerent rights of both parties:
- Anglo-French proposal, 350, 353–354, 359–360, 360–362, 366, 368, 369–370, 415, 439; reaction of Germany and Italy, 365, 368; of Soviet Union, 368, 398, 429, 432, 435–436, 439
- Uruguayan proposal for joint declaration by American Republics in favor of, 380, 383–386, 390–391; U. S. reply, 385–386, 391, 448
- Bilbao: Fall of, 226, 281, 290–291, 322, 374, 375, 382, 409, 444; requests for refuge for women and children, 507–508, 513, 514–516, 519, 523, 524, 525; return of Consul Chapman to, question of, 408, 417, 420, 443, 445, 448, 449, 453–456, 459, 462–463, 465
- Blockade of Spanish coast, Franco government’s announcement of, 459
- Bowers, Claude G. (Ambassador to Spain), report at end of first year of war, 362–364
- Burgos government: British board of trade representatives at, 240, 262; German and Italian Ambassadors at, 416
- Carlists, 225, 434
- Catalonia, conditions in, 182, 240, 280, 292–293
- Communists in Loyalist Government, 291, 436–439, 459–462, 476; conference of Executive Committee of Communist Party in Valencia, 461; Trotsky Party, 518
- Cuba: Proposal that all American Governments be invited to Join in representations looking toward armistice, 428, 440–441, 466–467; refugee problem in Madrid and U. S. assistance to, 484–488, 492, 493, 506, 508–509, 512, 535, 537–541 passim, 545
- Durango, destruction of, 281–282, 389
- Enforcement of U. S. restrictions against sending
war material to Spain (see also
Airplanes, supra),
- Joint Resolution of Congress (Jan. 8) prohibiting exportation of arms direct or indirect to Spain, 8, 37, 233, 450–453, 463–464, 567, 584, 587, 600, 602
- Request by Spanish Prime Minister for bulletproof limousine, 600–603
- U. S. policy, statements of, 564–565, 566–568, 580, 585–586, 587–588, 596–597, 599–600, 600–603
- Fascists, 253–256, 435
- Fifth Column, 255–256, 381
- Foreign aggression, question of, 305–306
- France (see also
Non-intervention, infra):
- Agreement to presence of international control commissions, 231, 234
- Aid to Loyalists, 216, 223, 225, 226, 230, 231, 239, 296, 409
- Attitude toward conflict, 148–150
- Confiscation of valuables of nationals, protest against, 544
- Evacuation of French deserters, 497
- Madrid Embassy refugees, 486
- Opening of Pyrenean frontier, question of, 134, 404, 405, 411–412, 416, 418, 419, 423, 424
- Spanish gold in France, question of, 235
- Transit of troops, arms, etc., 134, 136, 571; decrees of Jan. 21 and Feb. 18 prohibiting, 231, 479–480, 501; desire to resume freedom of action in regard to, 241
- U. S. airplanes: At Le Havre for transshipment, 566, 569–575, 576; to be sold to Air France, 577–580, 582–584, 590
- U. S. intervention, desire for, 97–98
- Volunteers, 55, 230, 239, 314, 329–330, 496; Anglo-French note regarding, 215, 222, and Italian attitude toward, 228, 229, 230–231
- Franco, Gen. Francisco, 47, 117–118, 182–183, 215, 230, 239, 375, 428, 554, 555; address to American people denying presence of foreigners in army, 363; announcement of National Council of 18, 434; attitude toward press, 279–280; British attitude toward, 148, 149; Fifth Column of, 255–256, 381; Phalangistes of, 55
- Franco government:
- Frontier patrol. See Naval and frontier patrol, infra.
- Germany (see also
Non-intervention, infra):
- Assertions of desire for settlement, 28
- Communism, attitude toward spread of, 227
- Deutschland–Almería incident, 308–328 passim, 332, 335, 338, 339, 458
- Guernica, destruction of, 290, 306, 389
- Leipzig incident, 110, 282, 332–336 passim, 339, 340, 371, 392
- Mediterranean (Nyon) Conference, non-participation in, 392, 393, 395
- Military aid to Insurgents. See under Military aid to Insurgents, infra.
- Policy toward conflict, 378–379
- Santander, assistance at, 379
- Spain as ordnance testing ground, 379
- Spanish Morocco, activities in, 217–222
- Withdrawal of ships from naval patrol, 335, 339
- Guadalajara, 252–253, 254, 256, 259, 268–269, 271, 278, 279, 288, 291
- Guernica, destruction of, 290, 306, 389
- Insurgents. See Franco government, supra; Military aid to Insurgents, infra.
- International Brigade, 226, 236, 292, 495, 531; statements by U. S. volunteers attempting discharges from, 556–557
- International control commissions in France, 231–232, 234; Portugal, 234, 247, 250
- International Non-intervention Committee. See Non-intervention: Committee, infra.
- Italy (see also
Balearic Islands, supra; Mediterranean (Nyon) Conference and
Non-intervention, infra):
- Attitude toward conflict, 157
- Guadalajara, rout at, 259, 268–269, 271, 278, 279
- Intervention in Spain, public declaration of, 381, 420
- Joint action with Germany in retaliation for attack on Leipzig, 110
- Military aid to Insurgents. See under Military aid to Insurgents, infra.
- Torpedoing of two Soviet ships in Mediterranean, Soviet protest concerning, 387, 389, 390, 391, 393n, 395
- Santander, assistance at, 381
- Withdrawal of ships from naval patrol, 335
- Laredo, surrender at, 388
- League of Nations, 300–302, 303–304, 305–306, 391; appeal by Loyalists regarding acts of aggression by Italian Navy in Mediterranean, 376; circulation of note from Mexican delegate concerning Spanish situation, 269–270, 274–275, 276–277
- London Non-intervention Committee. See Non-intervention: Committee, infra.
- Loyalist Government:
- Agreement to withdraw all foreigners, 423
- Antagonism between supporting elements, 381–382
- Appeal to League of Nations regarding acts of aggression by Italian Navy in Mediterranean, 376
- Appeal to United States concerning withdrawal of volunteers, 425–427
- Barcelona, transfer of Government from Valencia to, 430, 432, 440, 442–443, 446, 457–459
- Communists in, 291, 436–439, 459–462, 476, 518
- Composition of forces, 225–226
- Composition of Government, 459–460
- Decrees: Creation of commission to examine and report on petitions and claims of foreign entities or persons, 553, 557–559, 563; prevention of transfer of wealth, 537–538, 542, 543–544
- Evacuation of U. S. citizens, instructions to facilitate, 534
- Hull’s statement on principles of international policy, comments on, 789–790
- International Brigade, 226, 236, 292, 531; statements by U. S. volunteers attempting discharges from, 556–557
- Program approval by political parties and syndical organizations, 240
- Request to save lives of civil members of Government, 382, 386
- U. S. neutrality legislation, protest against, 450–453, 463–464
- “White Book,” 301, 303, 304
- “Mackenzie” Battalion, 526
- Madrid, 235–236, 237, 458
- Málaga, 444, 458; massacre of civil employees, 382
- Mediation attempts and proposals (see also Belligerent rights, supra), 295, 302, 303, 305–306, 338, 348, 358–374 passim; Cuban proposal that all American Governments be invited to join in representations looking toward armistice, 428, 440–441, 466–467
- Mediterranean (Nyon) Conference (Sept. 10–17):
- Mexico (see also
Airplanes, supra):
Aid to Loyalists, 278
- Mediation proposal by Cuba, reply to, 467
- Note to League of Nations concerning conflict, 269–270, 274–275, 276–277
- Recruiting of U. S. nationals in, 529–530
- Madrid refugees, 486
- Statements of position in regard to conflict, 274–277, 318–319, 323–324, 337–338
- Uruguayan proposal concerning recognition of belligerent rights, attitude toward, 390–391
- Military aid to Insurgents from—
- Germany, 28, 48, 69–79, 215–226 passim, 228, 230–231, 236, 241, 247–248, 251–255 passim, 269, 279–282, 288, 290–291, 296, 301, 304, 308, 309, 320, 322, 329, 345, 353, 354, 358, 362–364, 368, 378–379, 409–410, 424, 425, 571–572; payment in raw materials for, 227, 443–444; volunteers, 55, 65, 215–225 passim, 236, 247–248, 251, 253, 254, 255, 279, 288, 291, 329, 378
- Italy (see also Volunteers, infra), 54, 55, 64, 65, 215, 216, 224–230 passim, 239, 241, 265–266, 268–273 passim, 278–282 passim, 288, 291, 296, 301, 345, 353, 354, 357, 358, 359, 362–364, 366, 368,! 381, 389, 409–414 passim, 421–425 passim, 427, 444; payment in raw materials, 227, 443–444
- Moors, 225, 269, 279, 296, 425
- Poland, 425
- Portugal, 425
- Military aid to Loyalists from Belgium, 216, 230, 296; France, 216, 223, 225, 226, 230, 231, 239, 296, 409; International Brigade, 226, 236, 292, 495, 531, 556–557; Mexico, 278; Soviet Union, 176, 216, 230, 278, 288, 296, 342, 355, 409, 473; Switzerland (Communists), 230
- Monarchists, 476
- Moors, 225, 269, 279, 296, 425
- Moroccan situation, 217–219, 220, 221, 228–229, 409
- Naval and frontier patrol, scheme of International
Non-intervention Committee:
- Discussion of plan, 231–232, 232–233, 234, 235, 239, 241, 242–247
- Resolution adopted Mar. 8 and inauguration of scheme, 250–251, 271, 273, 282–284, 287, 306–307
- Suspension of French frontier patrol, 358–359, 416, 418, 419, 423
- Withdrawal of Germany and Italy, and deadlock of Committee, 317, 318, 335, 344, 347, 349, 356, 361–362
- Withdrawal of British and French warships, 401
- Naval incidents: Admiral Scheer, 307; City of Barcelona disaster, 314, 511, 516, 517; Ciudad de Cádiz and Armura, sinking of, 377; Deutschland-Almería incident, 308–328 passim, 332, 335, 338, 339, 458; HMS Havoc, 394; Leipzig, attack on, 110, 282, 332–336 passim, 339, 340, 371, 392; Soviet ships, sinking of, 387, 389, 390, 391, 393–395
- Non-intervention:
- Anglo-French invitation to Italy to consult on, 410, 413, 414–415, 418
- Committee, International (see also Naval and frontier patrol, supra, and Volunteers: Withdrawal, infra):
- German attitude toward, 110, 313, 315, 316, 317, 318, 320, 321, 334–335, 339, 363
- Italian attitude toward, 110, 259, 260–261, 266, 273, 313, 315, 316, 321, 363, 415, 419, 423
- U. S. policy, 223–224, 232–233, 244, 248, 277, 314, 319–320, 323–324, 340, 344–345, 348, 351, 376–377, 385–386, 414, 426, 441, 447, 448, 450, 463–464, 468–469; criticism of and respect for, 546–547; Neutrality Act (1935) and extensions of Jan. 8 and May 1, 233, 294, 344, 450, 451, 453, 461, 463, 464, 567, 587, 589; statement by President Roosevelt, 348
- Nyon Conference. See Mediterranean Conference, supra.
- Patrol. See Naval and frontier patrol, supra.
- Protection of lives and property of Americans and
other nationals, 469–564
- American citizens arrested: Antonio Fernandez and wife, 511, 512, 513, 514, 518, 519, 522–523, 524, 525, 527, 539–540, 544, 548, 552, 553–554, 559–560, 561–562; Charles A. Orr and wife, 518
- American Red Cross, 479, 480, 489, 490, 507
- American volunteers. See Volunteers: U. S. efforts and policy regarding, infra.
- Basque women and children from Bilbao, 507–508, 513, 514–516, 519, 523, 524, 525
- Monetary matters: American importers holding blocked credits in Spain, 536–537, 543, 548–549, 549–551; collectivization of American enterprises, 499, 501–502, 504, 506, 521–522; confiscation of American property, 545, 549; decree by Loyalist [Page 1012] Government preventing transfer of wealth from Spain, 537–538, 542, 543–544
- Refugees: Evacuation, 237, 256, 470, 471, 472, 475–477, 479, 482, 484–488, 490–491, 534, 535, 536, 538, 540, 542–543, 545; Filipinos and Puerto Ricans, U. S. assistance to, 476, 479, 481–482; food for, 478–479, 480–481; guards at American Embassy, 475; rules governing persons of both U. S. and Spanish nationality, 563; Santander, 481; Spanish employees of absent members of American colony, 493–494, 495
- San Sebastián, German occupation of, 290–291
- Santander: Fall of, 122, 226, 382, 388, 409, 414, 420; German assistance, 379; Italian assistance, 381; refugees, 481
- Saragossa, 381, 425
- Socialists, 461
- Soviet Union:
- Aid to Loyalists, 176, 216, 230, 278, 288, 296, 342, 355, 409, 473
- Anglo-French proposals to grant belligerent rights at sea to both parties, reaction to, 368, 398, 429, 432, 435–436, 439
- Aviation, quality of, 28, 176
- Mediterranean (Nyon) Conference, attitude at, 395, 398
- Torpedoing of two Soviet ships by Italy, protest concerning, 387, 389, 390, 391, 393n, 395; ship sunk by Germany, 226
- Volunteers, 230, 296; attitude toward withdrawal, 429, 432, 435–436
- Submarines:
- German, 291, 322, 327; base in Santander, possibility of, 409
- Italian, 394; based in Balearic Islands, 411; City of Barcelona, sinking of, 314, 511, 516, 517; Soviet ships, sinking of, 387, 389, 390, 391, 393n, 395
- Leipzig incident, 110, 282, 332–336 passim, 339, 340, 371, 392
- Mediterranean (Nyon) Conference, discussion of submarine patrol, 396–398, 421; Italian reaction to, 399
- Sinkings of Ciudad de Cádiz and Armura by unidentified submarine, 377
- Syndicalists, 280, 460
- Tangier, 262–263, 286, 289–290
- United Kingdom:
- Armistice proposal, 295, 302, 303–304
- Aviators from, purported recruiting in New York City, 232, 238
- Belligerent rights of both parties at sea, Anglo-French proposal to grant, 350, 359–360, 415, 439
- Blockade, attitude toward, 234
- British officers as observers in Insurgent territory, 259, 261–262
- Collectivization of enterprises, 522
- Franco government, representatives appointed to, 153
- Labor government, partisan of Insurgents, 424
- Mandate to explore possibilities of way out of impasse, 358, 359–360, 361–362, 365, 366
- Refugee ships, protection of, 508
- Volunteers. See Volunteers, infra.
- Uruguay. See under Belligerent rights, supra.
- U. S. citizens. See Protection of lives and property of Americans, etc., supra.
- U. S. Congress, Joint Resolutions of—Jan. 8, 8, 37, 233, 451, 453, 567, 587 May 1, 105, 294, 344, 589
- U. S. press release (Jan. 9) on localization of conflict, 220
- U. S. restrictions against sending war materials to Spain. See Enforcement of U. S. restrictions, etc., supra.
- Valencia Government. See Loyalist Government.
- Volunteers:
- Anglo-French note regarding, 215, 222; Italian attitude toward, 228, 229, 230–231
- Anglo-Portuguese Agreement regarding frontier observers, 250
- Belligerent rights at sea, relation to, 415, 439
- Countries of origin:
- Belgium, 230, 296
- France, 55, 230, 239, 314, 329–330, 496
- Germany, 55, 65, 215–225 passim, 236, 247–248, 251, 253, 254, 255, 279, 288, 291, 329, 378
- Italy, 55, 215, 216, 223, 225, 229, 230, 236, 241, 250
- Soviet Union, 230, 296
- Switzerland, 230
- United Kingdom, 473, 493
- United States, 232, 238, 253, 284–286, 296, 469–472, 473, 474, 476–478, 483–487 passim, 499–506, 509, 517, 519–521, 526, 528
- U. S. efforts and policy regarding American volunteers:
- Ambulance units, 474, 477–478, 483–484, 489
- Ascertaining whereabouts and welfare of, 516–517
- Battalions of, 473, 495, 526
- Dahl, Harold, capture by Insurgents, 528–531, 532–533, 534, 540, 547–548, 551, 552, 553, 555
- Deserters, 482–483, 484, 491–493, 494, 495, 497, 498, 507, 510–511; arrest of, 500–501, 502–504, 505–506, 509, 510, 528–529, 531, 532–534, 557
- Difficulties of, 556–557
- Forwarding of mail, 474
- International Brigade, statements by volunteers attempting discharges from, 556–557
- Oath of allegiance, 475–476
- Policy concerning, 519–521
- Recruiting, 496, 520, 529–531
- Transit through France, 231
- Withdrawal, question of, 28, 47, 55, 65, 117, 118, 133, 222, 224, 243, 270–272, 287, 292, 301, 302, 304–305, 353, 357, 358, 361, 369, 370, 409, 457
- Airplanes:
- Stalin, Josef V., 44, 53, 130, 131
- Straits (Montreux) Convention (1936), 377
- Submarines. See under Spanish Civil War.
- Sudeten-Germans. See under Germany: Czechoslovakia.
- Sugar Conference, International (Apr. 5–May 6), 931–951
- Sugar Council, International, U. S. participation in establishment and operation of, 952–969
- Sweden (see also Disarmament Conference; Oslo States): Hull’s statement on principles of international policy, comments on, 715–716; Madrid Embassy refugees, 486; Scandinavian-Baltic bloc, 81
- Switzerland (see also Disarmament Conference): European political developments, reports from, 31–32, 38–39; Hull’s statement on principles of international policy, comments on, 727–730; Madrid Embassy refugees, 486; Nazi Party, recognition of, 155; Spanish Civil War, 38, 230
- Tanganyika, 128, 198, 199, 200
- Tangier, 262–263, 286, 289–290
- Tariff Act of 1930, 646
- Tax exemption of foreign diplomatic and consular officers in United States, 991–994
- Textile Conference, I. L. O. (Apr. 2–17), 639, 975–977
- Thrace, 180
- Togoland, 199, 200
- Trade, international (see also Van Zeeland trade mission), reduction of trade barriers through bilateral arrangements, U. S. policy of, 692
- Transylvania, 172
- Treaties, conventions, etc.:
- Anti-Comintern Pact. See Anti-Comintern Pact.
- Anti-War Treaty on Non-Aggression and Conciliation (1930), 718
- Arbana, Agreement of (1930), 290
- Boxer Protocol (1901), 701
- Buenos Aires treaties. See Inter-American Conference.
- Bulgarian-Yugoslav treaty of friendship, 788
- Czecho-Russian Pact, 39
- Duties and Rights of States in Event of Civil Strife, Convention on (1928), 452n
- Franco-Czech agreement (1925), 59, 62, 70
- Franco-German treaty of commerce (1927), 28, 48
- Franco-Polish treaties of alliance, 32, 34, 62, 120, 158, 189; Belgian neutrality, relation to, 77; conversations concerning, 206
- Franco-Turkish treaties (May 29), 28n
- Franco-Soviet Pact (1935), 2, 39, 59, 62, 158, 167, 188
- Franco-Spanish convention on Morocco (1912), 221
- German-Italian-Japanese protocol (Nov. 6). See Anti-Comintern Pact.
- German-Polish Declaration (1934), 32, 120
- International Telecommunications Convention (1932), 290
- Italo-Japanese agreement, 607–608
- Italo-Yugoslav Pact (Mar. 25), 66–68, 69–71, 259–260, 266–267, 788
- Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928), 718, 728, 729, 733, 743, 745, 747, 772, 785
- Locarno treaties (1925), 2, 60–61, 75, 120, 121, 675
- London Naval Treaties: 1930, 623; 1936, 618, 619, 620, 623, 624, 626, 627, 628, 630, 633, 634, 636
- Mediterranean Accord, Anglo-Italian (Jan. 2), 42, 216–217, 230
- Mediterranean (Nyon) Agreement. See under Spanish Civil War.
- Middle Eastern (Saadabad) Pact (July 8), 753–754, 779n, 801, 802
- Montreux (Straits) Convention (1936), 377
- Nyon Agreement. See under Spanish Civil War: Mediterranean Conference.
- Oslo Convention. See under Oslo States.
- Ottawa Agreements (1932), 73, 810
- Saadabad (Middle Eastern) Pact (July 8), 753–754, 779n, 801, 802
- St. Germain Convention (1919), 810–811
- Straits (Montreux) Convention (1936), 377
- Sugar regulation agreement and protocol (May 6). See under Sugar Conference, International.
- Tripartite Financial Stabilization Agreement, 712
- Tripartite Pact. See Anti-Comintern Pact.
- U. S.–Germany, treaty of friendship, commerce and consular rights (1923), 985, 986, 987
- U. S.–Spain, treaty of friendship and general relations (1902), 468
- Versailles Treaty (1919), 34, 35, 84, 92, 95, 127, 139, 153, 168, 171, 173, 181, 194
- Washington Naval Treaty (1922), 103, 134, 139, 623, 630, 631, 636–637, 697–699
- Whaling Agreement. See Whaling Conference.
- Tripartite Financial Stabilization Agreement, 712
- Tripartite Pact. See Anti-Comintern Pact.
- Trotskyist movement, 40, 53, 518
- Tunis, 166
- Turkey:
- Economic cooperation, interest in U. S. desire for, 839
- Franco-Turkish treaties (May 29), 28n
- Hull’s statement on principles of international policy, comments on, 726, 732–733, 779–780, 797–798
- Spanish Civil War: Madrid refugees, 486; territorial waters of, notes on hostile acts in and near, 377
- Textile Conference, representation at, 977
- Ukraine, 44, 172
- Union of South Africa: Hull’s statement on principles of international policy, comments on, 757–759; Whaling Agreement, 925, 927
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. See Soviet Union.
- United Kingdom (see also
Disarmament Conference; and
Spanish Civil War):
- Areas of interest, 207
- Austria, attitude toward, 93
- Aviation program, 28
- Belgium, attitude toward, 59
- Chamberlain, Neville. See Chamberlain, Neville.
- Commercial agreement with United States, suggested, 73, 101, 103
- Compulsory clearing bill, enactment of, 108
- Czechoslovakia, attitude toward, 51, 59, 84, 93, 182, 189–190, 677
- Eden, Anthony. See Eden, Anthony.
- European political developments, reports from, 58–60, 64–66, 74–77, 86–88, 98–102, 113–114, 127–129, 131–132, 177–179, 183–185, 191–194
- Far Eastern policy, 100–101, 127–129, 182, 192
- Foreign policy, long-term objectives in, 42
- Germany, attitude toward, 31–32, 46, 86–88, 90, 95, 184–185, 186
- Hull’s statement on principles of international policy, comments on, 756–757
- Indebtedness to United States, 861
- Italy, 182; Anglo-Italian understanding, deterioration of, 65–66; attempt at rapprochement, 194; Mediterranean Accord (Jan. 2), 42, 216–217, 230
- League of Nations Raw Materials Committee, 803, 808, 814, 815–816, 818, 820
- Naval agreements with Soviet Union and Germany (July 17), 627, 629n
- Neutrality legislation of United States, desire for amendment of, 100
- Rearmament program, 28, 69, 72, 75–76, 85, 86, 100, 127–128, 179, 183, 194, 644, 647, 653, 654, 661, 676
- Rubber production restrictions, 881–883, 894–897, 901–902, 912–914, 916–918
- Soviet Union: Desire for rapprochement with, 94; naval agreement with, 627, 629n
- Sugar, right reserved to transfer to colonies unused difference between actual and maximum production of, 939
- Van Zeeland trade mission, 673, 675, 676, 677, 693–696, 837
- Whaling Agreement (June 8), 925. 927
- U. S. citizens. See Spanish Civil War: Protection of lives and property.
- U. S. Congress:
- U. S. Supreme Court, 601, 602, 603
- Uruguay:
- Van Zeeland trade mission, 80,
652, 653, 671–696, 712, 836–837
- Attitude of France, 673, 684, 689; Italy, 690; United Kingdom, 673, 675, 676, 677, 693–696, 837; United States, 691–692
- Conversation with Bullitt, 674–679; Schacht, 675, 832–833; Welles, 679–682
- Draft memorandum by, 684–685
- Joint statement with President Roosevelt, 682–683
- Monetary questions, 674, 678, 680, 681, 682, 692, 693, 695
- Press publicity, 673–674
- Preliminary “investigation,” 835, 836
- Program, 679–680
- Report by, 688, 690–696
- War debt question, 672
- Vatican, 90–91, 660–661
- Venezuela, 391, 739–740
- Versailles Treaty (1919), 34, 35, 84, 92, 95, 127, 139, 153, 168, 171, 173, 181, 194
- War debts owed United States, status of, 846–855
- Belgium, 671, 672, 861
- Czechoslovakia, 846–847, 861
- Estonia, 847–848, 861
- France, 848–850, 861
- Hungary, 850–855, 861
- Johnson Act (1934), 676, 849, 858–861
- List of countries, 861
- Van Zeeland trade mission, relation to, 672
- Views of State Department on proposed International Debt Commission, 856–857
- World War Foreign Debt Commission, 846
- Washington Naval Treaty (1922), 103, 134, 139, 623, 630, 631, 636–637
- Western Locarno Agreement, efforts to effect, 24, 59–65, 75, 111, 117, 118, 120, 128, 158, 165, 166
- Whaling Conference (May 24–June 8), 920–930
- “White Book” of Loyalist Government of Spain, 301, 303, 304, 452–453
- “White Paper” of United Kingdom, 16–17
- Wolf, Rudolph, Inc., 566, 570, 591
- Yugoslavia (see also
Little Entente):
- Bulgaria, treaty of friendship with, 788
- German nationals in, 172
- Hull’s statement on principles of international policy, comments on, 787–788, 799–800
- Indebtedness to United States, 861
- Italy: Negotiations with, 259–260, 266–267; Pact with (Mar. 25), 66–68, 69–71, 788
- King Alexander, statement by, 208–210
- Sugar reserve, 938