852.00/5056: Telegram (part air)

The Consul at Geneva (Gilbert) to the Secretary of State

103. The Secretary General has circulated a note dated March 29th from the Mexican permanent delegate concerning the Spanish situation. Referring to the decision of the London Committee to consider the extension of non-intervention to assure the cooperation of non-European states the note declares that non-intervention has only served to prolong the conflict by depriving the legitimate government of assistance to which it has the right under international law and asserts that neutrality should be interpreted according to the principles of the Covenant making a distinction between the legitimate government and a military rebellion supported by foreign elements.

The Mexicans here state that this communication was in part evoked by criticisms in the Non-intervention Committee at London of Mexico’s attitude and measures vis-à-vis the Spanish situation. They are apparently not informed here as to the details of this criticism. They state that their policy is to forestall an attempt to extend the nonintervention agreement to non-European states. Their tactical position is that should it be desired to generalize the non-intervention question the League is the only appropriate medium for such action.

2. Apprehensions which have been recently prevalent here that the [Page 270] Spanish issue might in some manner be brought actively before the League have now diminished. This is understood here to be due to the opposition to such a development on the part of the chief League powers.
