852.00/5015: Telegram
The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Bingham) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 25—2:15 p.m.]
170. Department’s 98, March 23, 2 p.m. In late February there was a rumor from Paris that a British military mission was attached to the Franco forces. However, the appropriate official of the War Office states (1) there are no British officers attached to the insurgent side in Spain, (2) the British Government have no military representatives observing insurgent forces, (3) the British War Office has made no arrangements to permit representatives to observe in territory occupied by insurgents. The War Office has added, however, that retired army officers entirely upon their own responsibility although usually representing some newspaper or semi-religious interest have [Page 262] been in insurgent territory; in this connection among others Major General Sir Walter Maxwell Scott retired and Major General Fuller retired were mentioned but it was added the War Office makes no use whatever of these retired military officers.
I venture to point out that while it is understood the British Government will not encourage exchange of representatives with the insurgent forces Board of Trade representatives by special agreement may be stationed at Burgos (see my 63, February 12, 7 p.m.). It is not inconceivable that when this special agreement for Board of Trade representatives is negotiated arrangements may be made for military observers to be stationed on insurgent territory.