
Memorandum by Mr. Eugene H. Dooman of the Division of Far Eastern Affairs of a Conversation With the Counselor of the Japanese Embassy (Yoshizawa)

Mr. Yoshizawa stated that early this morning he had received a telephone call from a Japanese correspondent in New York, who invited Mr. Yoshizawa to comment with regard to an article which was being carried by the New York Times. The article intimated among other things that the recent tariff action on Japanese cotton textiles was in large measure taken in retaliation for the smuggling situation in North China,55 and suggesting that Japanese textiles would be excluded from the Philippine Islands as a further act of retaliation. Mr. Yoshizawa stated that he had informed the correspondent that he would make no comment until he had seen the article. He further went on to say that he had discussed the article this morning with the Japanese Ambassador, who had concluded that, as the article made no direct affirmation prejudicial to Japanese interests, it would not be appropriate for him to make an inquiry at the Department, but that he desired that Mr. Yoshizawa call at the Department and ascertain whether there were any basis in fact for the New York Times “story”.

Mr. Dooman stated that the Department had also noticed the New York Times article, and that it was concerned by the implication contained therein that the recent tariff action on cotton textiles had in any way been caused by the smuggling situation in North China. He observed that, as Mr. Yoshizawa well knew, the conversations with the Japanese Embassy on the cotton textile situation had started as long ago as the summer of last year, and the action taken was the conclusion of a series of developments initiated months ago. He further pointed out that official information from the Philippines indicated that the gentlemen’s agreement with Japan on cotton textiles imported into the Philippine Islands was on the whole working satisfactorily.

Mr. Yoshizawa asked whether he could inform his Government definitely that there was no relation whatever between the tariff action recently taken, or the recently announced silver arrangement with China56 (which is also mentioned in the article under reference), and the smuggling situation in North China. Mr. Dooman said that he was authorized to make to Mr. Yoshizawa an oral statement, and he [Page 896] read and then handed to Mr. Yoshizawa the text of such statement (copy attached).57

After Mr. Yoshizawa read the statement, he said that he supposed that the substance of the New York Times article had already been telegraphed to Japan by Japanese correspondents, and he thought that the statement which he had just received would be very helpful to his own Government in explaining to the Diet, which is now in session, the real attitude of the American Government.

At this point in the conversation, Mr. Dooman received a copy of the record of the press conference of Monday, May 25.58 He invited Mr. Yoshizawa’s attention to the reply by the Secretary to a question put by a correspondent with regard to possible future action by this Government on the North China situation. Mr. Yoshizawa read over several times the Secretary’s statement, but made no comment.

The conversation then passed on to other matters.

  1. For correspondence concerning this situation, see pp. 110230, passim.
  2. See pp. 459 ff.
  3. Infra.
  4. Not printed.