893.51 Russian Issue/50

The Ambassador in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

No. 840

Sir: I have the honor to refer to the Department’s instruction No. 252 of September 5, 1936, in regard to the Russian issue of the Chinese Government Five Per Cent Reorganization Gold Loan of 1913 in which the Department expressed its desire that, unless the Embassy perceived objection thereto, it bring this subject to the attention of the appropriate authorities of the Chinese Government with a view to obtaining for the American holders of the issue under reference an opportunity to receive from the Chinese Government, if they so desire, payment for their bonds on terms no less favorable than those granted to bondholders of other nationality. In compliance with the Department’s wishes, I instructed the Counselor of Embassy at Nanking to bring this matter to the attention of the appropriate Chinese officials, suggesting to him that in my opinion it would be advisable that he first do so in informal conversation. I enclose a copy of my instruction of October 16, together with Mr. Peck’s reply of October 30, 1936.10 It will be observed that Mr. Peck discussed the matter with Dr. S. S. Liu, Director of the Department of European and American Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who assured Mr. Peck that he would be glad to communicate the latter’s observations to the Ministry of Finance and again take the matter up with Mr. Peck. I shall continue to press this matter on all appropriate occasions and shall keep the Department informed of any developments.

Respectfully yours,

Nelson Trusler Johnson
  1. Neither printed.