
Memorandum by the Assistant Chief of the Division of Far Eastern Affairs (Hamilton)

The Chinese Ambassador telephoned and referred to his call at the Department on April 22 at which time Mr. Green of CA33 had brought to the Ambassador’s attention the reports received by the Department indicating difficulties experienced by American exporters in connection with attempted sales to South China of aircraft and aircraft parts intended for non-military uses. The Ambassador stated that he had telegraphed his Government, as requested, and that he was now in receipt of a reply from the Chinese Foreign Office to the effect that the Foreign Office had referred the matter to the Aviation Commission; that the Aviation Commission had replied to the Foreign Office that all provinces in China were accorded equal treatment and that the American Government should be assured that there was no discrimination against American exporters or American products.

The Ambassador said that he would be at our disposal in the event that we wished him to take any further action in the matter. Mr. Hamilton replied that he thought the fact that the Ambassador had brought this matter to the attention of his Government might serve a useful purpose and Mr. Hamilton said that he would bring to the attention of Mr. Green the reply received by the Chinese Ambassador from his Government.

M[axwell] M. H[amilton]
  1. Office of Arms and Munitions Control.