893.48/1050: Telegram
The Consul General at Shanghai (Gauss) to the Secretary of State
[Received February 27—7:25 a.m.]
120. Reference Department’s 16, February 26, 5 p.m., to Nanking.17
The Department’s reply18 was communicated by me to Kung on the morning of February 24th. He received the information without comment.
From other sources I learn quite confidentially that K. P. Chen, Shanghai banker, is to leave for Washington early in March to confer on monetary matters with the Secretary of the Treasury on behalf of the Minister of Finance, and that he has been advised to familiarize himself with the flood relief loan and the cotton and wheat credit. It is the expectation of those interested in the reinstatement of the cotton and wheat credit that the proposal will be revised and reinstatement consummated during Chen’s visit to Washington.
Repeated to Nanking.