865d.01/210: Telegram

The Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Secretary of State

245. 1. No official announcement has yet been made in Tokyo in regard to the subject matter of the Italo-Japanese agreement now being negotiated but the spokesman of the Foreign Office has stated that the negotiations are not connected with the recently concluded German-Japanese anti-Comintern agreement.

2. From the best information available to the Embassy it appears that the Italo-Japanese agreement will contain trade clauses whereby [Page 400] Japan will obtain raw material concessions in Abyssinia; will provide for the de facto recognition by Japan of the Italian possession of Abyssinia by the reduction of the Japanese Legation there to a consular office and for the Italian de facto recognition of Manchukuo by the accrediting of consular officers to that country; and will provide for Italian technical and material assistance to Japanese aviation (the information in regard to aviation was obtained from an officer of the Italian Embassy and therefore may be considered as authentic).

3. I shall see the Italian Ambassador tomorrow and shall telegraph further information if obtained.
