793.94/8258: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China (Johnson)
248. Your 298, October 9, 4 p.m., and 300, October 14, 11 a.m., from Nanking. The particular occasion of your visit to Nanking was the diplomatic reception on October 10. In the telegrams under reference you report in regard to three conversations held by you while there. Department would appreciate having reports by radio or cable of attendance on [at?] the diplomatic reception and on any additional conversations which you may have had with other representative persons, of whatever nationalities, the substance of which would be of interest to Department, on such subjects as, for instance, the views of Chinese officialdom in regard to British or other foreign diplomatic endeavors in regard to present Sino-Japanese relations; Chinese income tax law, the Hukuang and Chicago Bank loans, American claims against China,38 your detailed estimate of the present situation between China and Japan, etc. Department assumes that you are sending some reports by mail, but Department needs summary reports for current purposes.