893.00/13523: Telegram

The Consul General at Canton (Spiker) to the Secretary of State

Referring to my telegram of June 6, 4 p.m.22 In an interview given to a foreign press correspondent June 7th by Marshals Chen and Li they admitted that they had moved their troops across the Hunan border some days ago but described movement as natural gesture to demonstrate their readiness to fight Japan. Denying rumors of their intended war against Nanking as malicious rumors spread by Japanese sources, they stated emphatically that “Chinese will never fight Chinese”; that what they seek is a friendly understanding with Nanking which will permit employment of common basic policies but no acceptance of dictatorship and “no common government” and that if such an understanding can be secured, combined anti-Japanese action, Communist suppression and adoption of the national currency will be easily arranged.

Hong Kong, Chinese and foreign press on June 6 give prominence to Nanking press report that Japanese Chargé d’Affaires on June 6 formally notified Nanking Government that, whether or not authorized by Nanking, recent actions of the Southwest are provocative and that Japan reserves the right to take such action as she sees fit, including the despatch of Japanese warships to Canton if situation warrants. I am reliably informed two Japanese destroyers [Page 199] arrived Hong Kong today. One on station here as usual. Above press report was not published in Canton newspapers which are strictly censored. Marshal Li answered allegation Japanese threat with bitter anti-Japanese speech before Southwest Political Council yesterday morning. Text of speech as published by government controlled news service contains following statements: “we should not wait to see Nanking move. If Nanking moves to resist Japan, well and good, for we want cooperation in resistance. If not, we ourselves must rise to resist because this is really our last chance of life”. “We urge that every drop of our soldiers’ blood be shed on a foreign foe and that every rifle be aimed at the Japanese imperialist. Therefore this northern expedition is really a people’s revolutionary expedition for saving our country and its last chance of life. It is not a civil war. It cannot and must not be”.
Yesterday delegation of Canton students signed petition Marshal Li for immediate mobilization of troops to fight Japan, freedom of speech in anti-Japanese campaign and cancellation of examination and military training system imposed by Marshal Chen following last student outbreak here. Li reported to have agreed to the first two requests but hedged on the last, placing responsibility on Kwangtung Department of Education. A large student patriotic demonstration is scheduled for June 13th under the care the Nanking authorities. The latter have suddenly decreed that school examinations, only recently set forward to June 20th, must be completed and the schools evacuated by June 12th, apparently with the motive of insuring completion of examinations and disbandment of students before the latter get out of hand.
Direct report from Wuchow, Kwangsi, to this office under date of June 6th reported commandeering of motor boats and all public busses to assist in steady movement of troops northward through city to Kweilin area. Also reported that late that night numerous air craft flew over the city and that Kwangsi currency had depreciated to point where Hong Kong dollar sold for 3 dollars local currency. Report on June 7th from the same source stated that Kwangsi Government had issued orders that death penalty be visited on persons refusing to accept Kwangsi currency. City allegedly flooded with sensational rumors emanating from non-Chinese nationals.
Report just received from recent arrival from northeastern Kwangtung to the effect that there was fighting on June 5th and 6th at Chenping, Taipu and Pingtsun in that area between pro-Nanking and anti-Nanking units of the Kwangtung forces. Commissioner Chen Wei Chou, brother of Marshal Chen, is rushing his well equipped salt troops to area named. Forces of Chang Fa Kwei reported as massed on nearby Fukien border. It is definitively known that there [Page 200] are heavy troop movements from this area to eastern Kwangtung where all busses are being stopped and subjected to thorough search. There is sign of great activity on the part of local military airplanes.

Sent to the Department, Peiping, Hankow and Shanghai.

  1. Not found in Department files.