852.00/3836: Telegram

The Ambassador in Spain (Bowers), Then in France, to the Acting Secretary of State

165. Last night British Ambassador called to show me a telegram to Franco asking him to confine bombing to military purposes and to spare noncombatant population of Madrid and warning him of reactions of the world. This morning French Ambassador called and said his Government does not communicate direct with Burgos government but that on instructions he sent his Military Attaché to San Sebastián to express similar views to the military governor there. He thinks Franco unable to take Madrid and losing prestige in consequence and that action of Germany and Italy was to bolster up failing [Page 770] prestige. He fears that Franco finally unless warned may in desperation try to carry out his threat to destroy Madrid utterly and feels the civilized world cannot by silence acquiesce. You may wish to consider whether Seville should make suggestion to commander there that bombing and shelling in Madrid should be confined to really military objectives.
