852.48/14: Telegram

The Third Secretary of Embassy in Spain (Wendelin) to the Acting Secretary of State

X–329. In conversation yesterday with British and Argentine Chargé d’Affaires latter suggested that it would be great humanitarian work if foreign governments or private agencies should send supplies of food and clothing for civilian population in Madrid, especially women and children. The situation here in this respect is truly deplorable and regardless of which side finally wins present struggle for the city neither will be able in all probability to provide food and clothing at all adequate to meet the situation. The shipment and distribution of supplies probably could be placed in charge of some international organization to avoid any charge of partiality or assistance to either side.

While suggested solely by humanitarian considerations such action would bring us much good will and from the purely selfish point of view would represent a good investment. Incidentally, it would provide a means of sending provisions and supplies to this Embassy which otherwise, if we remain here, we shall find it increasingly difficult to obtain.

The above suggestion is also being submitted to their Governments by the British and Argentine representatives. I would appreciate receiving the Department’s opinion of its feasibility.
