704.1452/1: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Third Secretary of Embassy in Spain (Wendelin)

194. The following telegram has been received from the American Legation at Guatemala: [Page 760]

“November 14, noon. Urgent. I have just received a note from the Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs requesting that the American Government assume protection of Guatemalan interests in Spanish territory and assist the Guatemalan Chargé d’Affaires in Madrid to leave the country as his [sic] fears are entertained for his personal safety because of the recent recognition of the Spanish rebel government by Guatemala.93 The note also expresses fears for the safety of Guatemalan lives and consular representatives in Spanish territory.”

We will leave it to your discretion to take any action along the lines of assisting the Guatemalan Chargé in the event of his being in personal danger. Before acting in the matter of taking charge of Guatemalan interests we would like a report from you as to what this would consist of and your comment as to whether it would be feasible. You are also authorized to lend to Guatemalan Consular Officers and Guatemalan nationals any assistance you may properly extend provided it meets with no objection on the part of the Spanish authorities.

  1. See telegram No. 76, November 9, 9 a.m., from the Chargé in Guatemala, p. 553.