Memorandum by the Assistant Secretary of State (Sayre)
I attended luncheon at the Belgian Embassy on Saturday, September twelfth. At the luncheon in a very informal conversation with Prince de Ligne,5 in speaking of the Belgian trade agreement, the Prince asked when we would be ready to negotiate general provisions for the trade agreement. I said that I felt that the next two months would be an unfavorable time for entering into negotiations because of the political activities which would be taking place in this country. I said that after the elections were over we could then consider the matter. The Prince said there were a few minor matters, however, which he hoped could be looked into.
This afternoon the Prince called upon me and, again speaking in a very informal way, suggested three subjects, i. e., plant quarantine, malt and prayer books, which he thought might be looked into quietly without waiting for the negotiation of the general provisions. He handed me the attached informal memorandum on these subjects.6 I promised him that we would have the matter looked into.