852.00/2215: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Straus) to the Secretary of State

632. Talked with Wendelin by phone this morning. Reference second paragraph Department’s 239, July 22, 11 p.m.55 the authorities report that the American woman wounded at Guadarrama is in the tuberculosis sanatorium there and is better off than trying to bring her into Madrid. The Embassy is endeavoring to ascertain her name and will report later.

Situation continues very quiet. About 30 women and children in the Embassy. Expecting considerably more today. All the wives and families of the telephone company officials are in the Embassy. Embassy has heard from the city authorities that they now have enough food supplies for normal requirements of the city for 1 week and they are attempting to bring in more from some distance outside the city. Water supply is functioning all right and has not been cutoff.

It seems to be confirmed that the Government forces yesterday captured Toledo and Guadalajara. At the latter place damage to the city from fire is very considerable. Considerable fighting in mountain ranges 40 miles north of Madrid. Rebel forces from Segovia advanced as far south towards Madrid as La Granj a where they were met and defeated by Government forces. Considerable number of wounded have been brought into Madrid by the Red Cross and other ambulance services. Government has taken over several hotels as additional hospital units.

All municipal services in Madrid are now functioning normally. All stores are open. Street cars are running, the services of sanitation, [Page 635] garbage, street cleaning going on normally. The aspect of the city except for armed forces going around in automobiles in considerable numbers is almost normal. Embassy does not expect any immediate trouble either today or tonight. When trouble may be expected is when the armed militia comes back to Madrid after final victory or defeat.

Although the French Telegraph Administration is accepting telegrams for San Sebastián, routed via Barcelona, we have received no reply to our telegram[s] sent to San Sebastián and assume that they have not been received.

  1. Not printed; in the second paragraph the Department requested the name of the woman wounded at Guadarrama (852.00/2201).