852.00/4027: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France (Bullitt)

512. Your 1213, December 8, 5 p.m. With regard to Delbos’ statement that he had been informed by the French Embassy in Washington that I had received most favorably the proposal that our Government should associate itself with the French and British initiative, I have thought it advisable to speak to the French Ambassador here as I have never said more to him than that I would make every effort to see that this proposal received the full consideration of this Government including the Secretary, who is at Buenos Aires, and the President who is now at sea. The French Ambassador is in entire agreement with me that I never went farther than that in my expressions to him and is immediately telegraphing to the Minister of Foreign Affairs in order that there should be no misunderstanding with regard to our reception of the proposal here. We, of course, have given it sympathetic consideration and are anxious to do all we can but I can say quite definitely now that no action whatever will be taken in support of this proposal before it is publicly announced and upon that occasion I will make sympathetic general reference to the effort.
