The Chargé in Greece (Aldridge) to the Secretary of State
[Received September 14.]
Sir: I have the honor to refer to the Convention between the United States and Sweden for the exemption from military service of persons having dual nationality,29 Treaty Series 890, a copy of which this Legation has recently received from the Department.
The Department may wish to consider the desirability of instructing the Legation to approach the competent Greek authorities with a view to ascertaining whether the Greek Government would be prepared to enter into a similar convention.
While a naturalization Treaty would appear more desirable from the American point of view, it seems not impossible that if this less formidable appearing agreement could be negotiated as a first step, a naturalization Treaty might follow in due course.
I may say in that connection that the Greek official with whom the Legation at present discusses matters pertaining to dual nationality appears to have a far-sighted attitude as regards the mutual advantages to be gained by eliminating vexatious issues of this character. I venture accordingly to suggest that it may not be an inopportune moment [Page 323] either to revive negotiations for a nationality Treaty or to propose some modified form of agreement similar to the Convention recently negotiated with Sweden.
Respectfully yours,
- Signed January 31, 1933, Foreign Relations, 1933, vol. ii, p. 763.↩