130 Hagiperos, Vasilios

The Chargé in Greece (Shantz) to the Secretary of State

No. 1335

Sir: I have the honor to refer to the Department’s instruction No. 257, dated January 16, 1936, (file No. 130 Hagiperos, Vasilios), concerning the practice on the part of Greek officials in compelling naturalized citizens of the United States who were born in Turkey of parents of the Greek race and who have been residing temporarily or sojourning in Greece, usually for the purpose of visiting relatives, to register as Greek subjects, under the provisions of Article 141 of Law 4324, before being allowed to leave Greece.

The Legation is now in receipt of a rather curt reply from the Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the protest it was instructed to make against this practice. Copies of the Legation’s Note, No. 277/36 of June 8, 1936,28 and of the Ministry’s reply (in the original French and in English translation) dated August 20, 1936, are enclosed.

There is likewise enclosed herewith for the Department’s information a memorandum28 summarizing the pertinent provisions of the war treaties and Greek laws supporting, and thus explaining, the attitude of the Hellenic authorities in this matter. The memorandum was prepared by Consul Burton Y. Berry, who is in charge of the citizenship section of the Consulate General in Athens.

Respectfully yours,

Harold Shantz
[Page 322]

The Greek Foreign Office to the American Legation

No. 22046/D/2

Referring to the Note under No. 277/36 of the American Legation the Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs has the honor to inform the Legation that, in consequence of the laws promulgated for the execution of different international treaties signed since the war, the competent authorities proceed in the performance of their office to the registration of persons having acquired Greek nationality in accordance with the international provisions, without bothering to ascertain whether they have acquired a third nationality, seeing that they did not request the required authorization to acquire a foreign nationality.

The Royal Ministry seizes the opportunity [etc.]

  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed.