868.51 War Credits/721

The Greek Minister (Sicilianos) to the Secretary of State

Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency’s Note of June 13, 1936, with the enclosed statement of the amounts due by the Greek Government on July 1, 1936, under the terms of Part I of the Debt Agreement of May 10, 1929, and the terms of the Moratorium Agreement of May 24, 1932.

His Hellenic Majesty’s Government wish to extend their appreciation for the renewed assurance that the American Government is fully disposed to discuss, through diplomatic channels, any proposals for the settlement of the debts and, as soon as circumstances appear opportune for the resumption of negotiations, His Majesty’s Government will be very glad to advise the American Government accordingly.

Accept [etc.]

D. Sicilianos