462.11L5232/588: Telegram

The Chargé in Germany (Mayer) to the Secretary of State

169. My 162, May 29 [28], 8 p.m.; and 165, May 29, 6 p.m.82 Pfeffer has just sent me the following message requesting prompt transmission to the Department.

[Page 270]

(Translation). “As has become known the proceedings before the Mixed Claims Commission, Washington, have just been terminated (with the result that the United States may reopen the main proceedings). The last point of the declarations of the German Government of May 28, 1936, which had to do with the postponement of the proceedings now terminated has thus been transcended and settled by the developments.

The German Government believes that hereby no change has occurred in the other points of its declaration and in the mutually discussed arrangements. Minister President Goering would be pleased to receive the American representatives in the course of the month of June in Germany.

Berlin, June 4, 1936.”

  1. Latter not printed.