724.3415/4929: Telegram

The Ambassador in Argentina (Weddell) to the Secretary of State

62. At two meetings held today it developed that certain changes in the formula reported in my 61, June 3, 9 p.m., will be required to meet the views of the Bolivian and Paraguayan Foreign Secretaries.

The former desires to fix some definite time limit within which the military commission shall carry out its duties as outlined in article IV of the formula, to the end there be no delay in proceeding with the arbitration if direct negotiations fail.

The Paraguayan desires the use of the present rather than the future tense in the language of the formula as giving it greater actuality.

Neither Minister for Foreign Affairs appears to be clothed with full powers and both are still requesting answers from their respective Governments to be communicated at meetings to be held tomorrow.

If and when signed, the prompt submission of the agreement to the Paraguayan and Bolivian Congresses is contemplated.
