339.115 General Motors Export Co./56: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in the Dominican Republic (Schoenfeld)

18. Your 33, April 28, 4 p.m. Address formal note to the Dominican Government inquiring whether the proceedings announced in pursuance of Law No. 893 are intended to affect the Santo Domingo Motors Company. You may state that the General Motors Export Corporation, an American corporation, advises the Department that it has outstanding approximately $60,000 on automobiles shipped to the Santo Domingo Motors on which the latter had accepted 90–day drafts; also approximately $85,000 of collections due to it which are being made for its account by the Santo Domingo Motors Company. Furthermore, as a pledge securing these advances the Santo Domingo Motors Company has delivered to the General Motors Export Corporation approximately 90 per cent of the stock of the former company.

State in your note that the Government of the United States, in view of the substantial American interest in the affairs of the Santo Domingo Motors Company, desires to receive full information concerning any steps being taken against the latter company by the Dominican authorities and expects that no action will be taken which would in any way adversely affect the American interests in question.
