721.23/2428: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Brazil (Gibson)
6. For your information. We understand that, in view of the situation between Colombia and Peru arising out of non-ratification by Colombia of the Rio de Janeiro Pact on the Leticia question, it is probable that the League’s Advisory Committee on Leticia will be convoked tomorrow, and that notifications to the United States and Brazil may be issued today. We intend to cable our representative at Geneva authorizing him, in case such notification is received, to continue to attend meetings of the Leticia Advisory Committee under the same terms and instructions as were sent him in March 1933,5 when the United States was invited to collaborate with that Committee, namely, that he is not to sit as a member of the Committee, that he does not have the power of vote, and that he is not to commit this Government without prior instruction.
You may wish to advise the Brazilian Government informally of the foregoing.
- This was done in telegram No. 171, January 14, 7 p.m., not printed; but see telegram No. 86, March 11, 1933, 8 p.m., to the Minister in Switzerland, Foreign Relations, Japan, 1931–1941, vol. i, p. 117, and telegram No. 88, March 15, 1933, 6 p.m., to the Minister in Switzerland, Foreign Relations, 1933, vol. iv, p. 499.↩