
The Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Secretary of State

No. 1366

Sir: I have the honor to enclose herewith a memorandum, dated June 22, 1935,59 of a conversation between Mr. Saburo Kurusu, the Chief of the Bureau of Commercial Affairs of the Foreign Office, and Mr. Dickover, of this Embassy, on the subject of American-Japanese trade relations, as well as a memorandum, dated June 25, 1935,59 of a conversation between Mr. Kurusu and Mr. F. S. Williams, Commercial Attaché of this Embassy.

From the two memoranda it is apparent that Mr. Kurusu hopes to be able to reach some sort of informal agreement with the American Government which will impose voluntary restrictions upon the exports of Japanese cotton piece goods to the United States and the prices at which they will be sold in the United States, in return for which the American Government will be expected not to take legislative action designed to impose higher tariffs upon or to restrict the importation of Japanese cotton piece goods into the United States.

The Embassy will be glad to receive any instructions which the Department may deem it advisable to give in this connection.

Respectfully yours,

Joseph C. Grew
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  2. Not printed.