893.6359 Antimony/21

The Ambassador in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

No. 55

Sir: I have the honor to refer to the memoranda86 forwarded by the Legation’s despatch No. 3619 of June 15, 1935, regarding the Hunan Antimony Syndicate, and to enclose for the Department’s information copies of despatch No. 8825 of August 26, 1935, from the Shanghai Consulate General; the Legation’s instruction of September 9, 1935, to the Consulate General in reply; and the Ambassador’s memorandum of October 4, 1935, reporting a conversation with Mr. William P. Hunt of L. Everett, Incorporated.87

From these communications it will be observed that the Hunan Antimony Syndicate has continued its efforts to interest American capital in its enterprise, thus far without success. In this connection [Page 789] there is enclosed, as of possible interest to the Department, a copy of a draft contract88 which the Hunan Antimony Syndicate has employed in an effort to obtain the support of American financial interests in an enterprise for controlling the price and supply of antimony … In discussing the matter with Mr. Hunt in Shanghai in July Mr. Lockhart expressed the view that the contract was monopolistic and that should Mr. Hunt and his associates become parties to it they could not expect the support of the American Government. The Embassy, however, has no information indicating that Mr. Hunt and his associates have actually entered into any contract with the Antimony Syndicate.

As will be noted from pages 3–4 of the report of the Hankow Consulate General dated October 12, 1935,89 regarding the antimony market, however, the financial position of the Syndicate has evidently been strengthened as a result of the conditions prevailing in the market in the last quarter-year.

Respectfully yours,

For the Ambassador:
F. P. Lockhart

Counselor of Embassy
  1. Not printed.
  2. None printed.
  3. Not printed.
  4. Not found in Department files.