- Agreements. See Trade agreements; Treaties, conventions, etc.
- Air Commerce Act of 1926, cited, 599
- Anderson Clayton & Co., 163
- Anti-dumping Act of 1921, cited, 560, 740–741
- Arbitration case, U. S.-Sweden, cited, 795
- Arms, ammunition, and implements of war, U. S. policy regarding export trade in, 603–604
- Australia, preliminary discussions respecting a trade agreement with United States, 9–17
- Austria, 95–101
- Germany, relations with: Anschluss, question of, 320, 324, 329; German repudiation of provisions of Versailles Treaty, Austrian attitude and press comment, 306
- Relief obligations due the United States, suspension of payments on, 101
- Trade agreement with United States, preliminary discussions respecting, 95–101
- Aviation:
- Belgium, 102–136
- Devaluation of Belgian franc, 119–120
- German repudiation of provisions of Versailles Treaty, Belgian attitude, 303
- New Zealand, trade treaty with Belgium, 83, 84
- Restrictive trade measures, imposition by Belgium and U. S. representations: Export licenses on rugs and other articles, 119–120; import licensing system for automobile parts, 124–132; quota on automobile tires, 132–136
- Trade agreement between United States and
Belgo-Luxemburg Union, signed Feb. 27:
- Commodities, discussions concerning: Automobile parts, 108, 121–123; bulbs, 113–115; iron and steel schedules, 115–118
- Labor safeguard clause, question of, 108–109, 118, 120–121, 124–125
- Negotiations, 102–118, 123–124; draft of letters to be exchanged, 107–108
- Political situation, effect on U. S. proposals, 110, 111–113
- Signature and proclamation, 118, 119
- Text, citation to, 118–119
- Trade relations with United States. See Restrictive trade measures and Trade agreement, supra.
- Canada, 18–60
- Consular officers, U. S.-Canadian arrangement regarding right to visit their nationals in prison, 57–60
- Mackenzie King, Prime Minister, 27–32
- Memphremagog, Lake, U. S.-Canadian arrangement regarding level of, 53–57
- Shipping legislation, question of effect on American interests, 35–53
- Trade agreement with United States, signed Nov. 15, 18–32
- Citation to text of agreement and related documents, 32
- Negotiations, 18–27
- Prime Minister Mackenzie King, views, and visit to Washington, 27–32
- Trail Smelter case, convention between United States and Canada for establishment of a tribunal to decide questions of indemnity and future regime, signed Apr. 15, 32–35
- Treaties and agreements with United States. See Consular officers, Memphremagog, Trade agreement, and Trail Smelter case, supra.
- Catholic Church. See under Germany: Churches.
- Churches. See under Germany.
- Claims. See under Finland and Germany.
- Commercial treaties and agreements. See Trade agreements and under Treaties.
- Commissions, committees, etc.:
- Communist activities in Germany, 268, 288
- Consular officers. See Diplomatic and consular officers.
- Conventions. See Treaties, conventions, etc.
- Cotton, 163–170, 462, 519–522, 536, 649, 711, 717
- Cuba, 1
- Czechoslovakia, 137–170
- European political situation, 327, 329, 330, 331–332, 334, 338
- German-Czechoslovak Clearing Agreement, U. S. representations against effect of certain provisions on shipments of American goods to Czechoslovakia through Germany, 163–169; changes in Agreement, 170
- Trade agreement with United States, proposed, 137–163
- Commodities, discussions concerning: Automobiles, question of Czechoslovak discriminations, 153, 157–158; lard, Czechoslovak import restrictions, 148, 149–151
- Modus Vivendi pending negotiation of trade agreement, 138, 141–147, 155–159; texts of exchange of notes of Mar. 29, 145–147
- Preliminary discussions and U. S. efforts to determine basis for successful negotiations (see also Modus Vivendi, supra), 137–141, 148–155, 159–163
- Dawes and Young loans, servicing of. See Germany: Debt.
- Debts. See France: War debt; Greece: American loans; and under Germany.
- Denmark, U. S. efforts to secure equal opportunity for American commerce in Denmark, 171–178
- Diplomatic and consular officers: Fascist propaganda activities of certain Italian consular officers in United States, 543–551; Polish regulations concerning social insurance, non-applicability to employees of U. S. Embassy and Consulates in Poland, 658–661; U. S.-Canadian arrangement regarding rights of consular officers to visit their nationals in prison, 57–60
- Discrimination. See Germany: Debt; Latvia; Lithuania; Netherlands; United Press Associations; Portugal: Flag discrimination; and under Estonia; France; Germany: Jews.
- Dual nationality and military service. See Switzerland: Military obligations.
- Estonia, trade relations with United States, 179–202
- Discrimination against American trade, alleged:
- Modification of commercial treaty of 1925 with United States, Estonian desire for, 182, 186–188, 195–198; U. S. willingness, and explanation of general trade policy, 188–194
- Trade agreement with United States, apparent desire of Estonia to negotiate, 198–202
- Treaty with United States of 1925. See Modification of commercial treaty, supra.
- European political situation:
- Exchange Control Board and questions of exchange insurance, 717, 718–719, 736–738
- Export-Import Bank, 536, 721
- Far East, 338, 339, 465, 591
- Fascist propaganda in United States, activities of certain Italian consular officers, 543–551
- Finland, 203–210
- Flag discrimination. See under Portugal.
- France (see also
European political situation), 211–256
- Consular convention with United States of 1853, cited, 255
- Discrimination against American products: Motion picture films imported into France, U. S. successful representations to prevent discrimination against, 231, 236–237, 237–244; nitrates, restrictions on importation of, U. S. unsuccessful representations for removal of, 245–247
- Double taxation convention with United States (1932), 247–254
- Foreign policy, 323, 324–325, 326, 337, 338
- German repudiation of provisions of Versailles Treaty, French attitude and press comment, 298–299, 301, 305, 310
- Greece, revolution in, French representations in interest of moderation, 492, 494, 497
- License to French insurance company by State of Montana, proposed denial of, and attitude of U. S. Department of State, 254–256
- Motion picture films. See under Discrimination, supra.
- Nitrates. See under Discrimination, supra.
- Soviet Union, relations with: French-Soviet rapprochement, 323, 325, 326, 330, 331–332, 335, 338; possibility of French loan to, 224
- Spain, commercial negotiations with, 694, 695, 699, 702, 703–704, 712–713, 714
- Trade agreement with United States, negotiations for, 211–237, 240, 241–242, 243
- Treaties with United States. See Consular convention and Double taxation convention, supra.
- War debt to United States, 254–256
- Germany (see also
Czechoslovakia: German-Czechoslovak Clearing Agreement), 257–490
- Air force, creation of, 294, 296, 308
- Anschluss with Austria, question of, 320, 324, 329
- Anti-Nazi activities in United States, German protests and U. S. position: S. S. Bremen flag incident, 483, 484, 485–486, 489–490; other incidents, 482–483, 483–485, 486–489
- Catholic Church. See under Churches, infra.
- Churches, relations with Nazi regime, 342–376
- Administration of Minister of Church Affairs Hans Kerrl, 359–360, 364–365, 366–376; creation of new church committees under Church Law of Sept. 24, 369–371
- Catholic Church, Nazi attacks on religious liberty of (see also Administration, supra): Goering decree of July 18 against political clericism, 358–359; information on general situation and developments, 280, 321, 343–344, 354–358, 364, 365–366; Pastoral Letter of Conference of Bishops at Fulda, 362–363
- Church Law of Sept. 24, 366–367, 368–370
- Evangelical churches, disputes between factions, and Nazi
propaganda against (see also
Administration, supra):
- Information on general situation and developments, 267, 280, 321, 342–343, 344–345, 359–360, 364, 367–368, 372–374
- National Synod of Protestant Confessional Church, Augsburg, June 4–6, 350–354; declarations, 352–353
- Prussian Confessional Synod, new state law of Sept. 24 and creation of Reich church committees, 365, 366–367, 368–371
- Prussian manifesto and official reaction to, 345–350
- Hitler, personal attitude on church question, 360–361
- Citizenship law of Sept. 15, 264, 283–284, 395–396, 405–406, 408; text, 406
- Claims pending before Mixed Claims Commission, U. S. efforts to conclude settlement of, 477–482
- Communist activities, 268, 288
- Compulsory military service (see also Versailles Treaty, infra):
- Conscription. See Compulsory military service, supra.
- Dawes and Young loans, servicing of. See Debt, infra.
- Debt, external, servicing of:
- German discrimination against American holders of German
bonds, 428–438
- Suggestion of John F. Robb for imposition of retaliatory restrictions, U. S. attitude, 430–431
- Transfer regulation, information concerning, 432
- U. S. representations regarding, 428, 432–437; German attitude and suggestion of new arrangement for purchase of Dawes and Young loan coupons, 428–430, 437–438
- Relation to trade situation, 450, 455–457, 457, 458, 468
- German discrimination against American holders of German
bonds, 428–438
- Defense Law of May 21. See Political developments: Military regime, infra.
- Economic situation, 280, 282, 284–286, 290, 292, 294, 321
- Educational institutions, Government control and Nazification of, 376–390
- Foreign policy (see also Versailles Treaty, infra), 291–292, 317–319, 320, 321, 322, 326, 328–329, 330, 334, 337–338
- Hitler, Adolf, 270, 279–281, 286, 290–293, 299–322 passim, 328–329, 332, 333, 334, 337, 360–361, 382, 385, 393, 395–396
- Hitler Youth, 261, 316, 378–379, 380, 384, 390
- Japan, relations with, 338
- Jews, persecution of (see
Refugees, infra),
- American Jewish organizations, desire for U. S. representations, 404
- Anti-Jewish World League, 398
- Discrimination against Jewish nationals of other countries (including United States), question of treaty violations, 409–412
- Emigration, 393–394, 397–398, 400–401
- Laws affecting Jews:
- Miscellaneous developments in intensification of pressure on Jews, reports concerning, 262, 292, 293, 357–358, 378, 382–383, 386–387, 392–395, 396–401
- Motion picture film “The Merry Widow,” rejection by German censor, 391
- Racial purity, Nazi measures relative to, 272, 278–279, 386–387, 401–403, 405–406, 407–408, 408; law of Sept. 15 (Nuremberg law), text, 407–408
- Streicher, Julius, activities of, 392–393, 394–395, 398
- U. S. public sentiment, 404–405
- Kerrl, Hans. See Churches: Administration of Minister of Church Affairs Hans Kerrl, supra.
- Labor service, universal, 271–272, 276–279
- Loan obligations to United States. See Debt, supra.
- Military situation and developments. See Political developments: Army, and Versailles Treaty: Announcement, infra.
- Mixed Claims Commission, U. S.-Germany, U. S. efforts to conclude settlement of claims under, 477–482
- Müller, Reichsbishop, 342–350 passim, 359, 364, 365, 367, 370, 372–373, 376
- Niemöller, Pastor, 342, 346, 347, 349, 364, 371, 373
- Political developments under National Socialist
regime, 257–294
- Army (see also Military regime, infra), relation to S.A., S.S., and Nazi Party, 280–281, 287–291, 293
- Centralization and coordination procedures: Economic and labor council, creation of, 258–260, 267; judicial system, unification with central government of tile Reich, 257–258; labor service, universal, law establishing, 276–279; legal status of various organs and groups associated with Nazi Party, law defining, 260–262, 266–267; press, subjection to Nazi regime, 262–263, 265
- Conflict between conservatives and radicals, 266, 269–270
- General unrest and tension, 266–270
- Military regime under Defense Law effective May 21: General outline, 270–271; popular reaction, 274–275; provisions, 271–274; Reichminister law, amendment in connection with, 274
- Party Congress at Nuremberg, Sept. 10–16, survey of developments, 278–279; of Hitler’s speeches, 279–281, 286, 292
- S. A. (Sturmabteilung), 260, 264, 268–269, 273, 280–281, 289, 290, 291, 311, 316, 341, 356, 402, 402–403
- Secret State Police, Prussian court decision concerning, 275–276
- S. S. (Schutzstaffel), 260, 273, 280, 287–289, 290, 291, 311, 316, 402, 402–403; intensive militarization of a section of, 287–289
- Press, subjection to Nazi regime, 262–263, 265
- Racial purity. See under Jews, supra.
- Rearmament. See Versailles Treaty, infra.
- Refugees (Jewish and Other) Coming from Germany,
High Commission for, 412–427
- Distribution of refugees and possibilities of emigration, 418–420; attitude of South American countries toward receiving refugees as immigrants, 419
- Funds for expenses of: Possibility of raising funds by issuance of surcharged postage stamps, 423; U. S. contribution, question of, 412–414, 417–418
- League of Nations, consolidation of refugee work under, proposed, 421–422, 423, 426, 427; U. S. attitude, 422, 427
- Meetings of Governing Body:
- Refugees in United States owning property in Germany, suggestion of German Ambassador concerning, 420
- Saar refugees, 423
- U. S. position on documentation of refugees and related matters. See Meetings, supra.
- Visit of High Commissioner McDonald to South American countries, 417, 419
- Ritter, Dr. Karl, 461–471
- Stahlhelm, dissolution of, 340–341
- Student League, National Socialist, 376–390 passim
- Trade relations with United States, 438–477
- “Aski” accounts, explanation and discussion of, 445–447, 471, 473–474
- Barter transactions, question of (see also “Aski” accounts, supra), 438–439, 440–441
- Commercial treaty of 1923, modification of. See Treaty of June 3, infra.
- Commodities, 462, 469, 472–473
- Expiration of most-favored-nation commitment to United States:
- German export bounties and dumping in United States, U. S.-German discussions, 471–477
- Trade agreement with United States, German desire for: U. S. position, 441–442, 444–445, 448–451, 452–457; visit of Dr. Karl Hitter to United States, conferences with State Department, 461–471
- Treaty of June 3, 1935, voiding certain clauses of art. 7 of commercial treaty of 1923: Negotiations, 286, 442–444, 448; text, 451; U. S. withdrawal of tariff concessions upon coming into force of treaty, and German efforts to postpone, 457–461
- U. S. generalization of tariff concessions:
- Treaties with United States:
- Friendship, commerce, and consular rights (1923):
- Citation to, 794
- Interpretation of art. 1, question of, 409–410
- Modification of art. 7. See Trade relations: Treaty of June 3, 1935, supra.
- Treaty of June 3, 1935. See under Trade relations, supra.
- Friendship, commerce, and consular rights (1923):
- Versailles Treaty, German unilateral repudiation of
provisions of, 294–341
- Announcement of, and information concerning air program, military conscription, and rearmament, 291, 294–297, 300, 307–308, 315–317
- Attitude of other countries:
- Austria, 306
- Belgium, 303
- France, 298–299, 301, 305, 310
- Italy, 297, 301, 305, 309, 310
- Japan, 311
- Poland, 301, 309, 311
- Rumania, 330, 331
- Soviet Union, 298, 306, 312–314
- United Kingdom: Note to Germany, Mar. 18, 297, 300, 303, 304–305, 308–309; views of Foreign Office, 299–300, 301; visit of Sir John Simon and Anthony Eden to Berlin, 297, 298–299, 300, 303, 304, 305, 309, 317–318, 319–320, 322, 323–324, 328–329
- United States, 303, 307, 309–310, 312, 330–331
- European political situation, relation, 320–321, 322–327, 331–339
- German position, and peace propaganda, 300, 306–307, 308, 309, 310, 314–315, 317–320, 328
- League of Nations condemnatory resolution, 330, 331–332, 335, 336–337
- Press comment in Austria, 306; France, 298–299; Soviet Union, 298; United States, 301–302
- Stahlhelm, dissolution of, 340–341
- Wartburg festival, 388–389
- Great Britain. See United Kingdom.
- Greece, 491–516
- American loans to Greece under agreements of May 10, 1929, and May 24, 1932, U. S. insistence upon Greek responsibility for service of, 506–510; Greek position, 509
- Monarchy, restoration of, and U. S. recognition of George II as King of Greece, 500–506
- Revolution, 491–499
- Conditions following revolt, information concerning, 491–492; death sentences on two Generals, 492
- U. S. citizen arrested on suspicion of complicity, good offices of U. S. Legation on behalf of, 497–499
- U. S. unofficial representations to Greek Government for moderate treatment of political leaders participating in revolution, 492, 493–496; results, 496–497
- Struma Valley drainage project, 514–515, 515–516
- Ulen & Co., negotiations with Greek Government regarding contract for waterworks at Athens and the Piraeus, U. S. representations on behalf of, 510–516; settlement of difficulties, 516
- U. S. recognition of restoration of George II as King of Greece, 500–506
- Hauenstein vs. Lynham, opinion of Supreme Court, cited, 791, 794
- Hawley-Smoot tariff. See Tariff Act of 1930.
- Hay, John, correspondence of 1899, cited, 798
- Hungary, protests in regard to discrimination against Hungarian Jews In Germany, 411
- Immigration Acts of 1906, 1917, and 1924, cited, 425, 777, 778
- Insurance, social. See Poland: Social insurance regulations.
- Insurance companies. See France: License; and under Switzerland.
- International Telephone and Telegraph Corp., U. S. good offices on behalf of Rumanian subsidiary of, 678–686
- Irish Free State, preliminary discussions respecting a trade agreement with United States, 61–64
- Italy, 517–551
- Fascist propaganda activities of certain Italian consular officers in United States, 543–551
- Foreign policy, 323, 327, 334, 337, 338–339
- German repudiation of provisions of Versailles Treaty, Italian attitude, 297, 301, 305, 309, 310
- Mussolini, Benito, 334, 338–339
- School-teacher Vice Consuls in United States, propaganda activities of, 544, 545, 547, 548–549, 550–551
- Trade agreement with United States, preliminary discussions, 517–543
- Cotton trade between United States and Italy, discussions concerning, 519–522, 536
- Import restrictions, Italian decree establishing, effect on proposed trade agreement negotiations, 523–527, 529–531, 535
- Plans for opening of negotiations, 517–519, 520, 521, 527, 529, 531–534, 536, 537–538, 541–543
- U. S.-Italian commercial treaty of 1871, proposed abrogation of arts. 6 and 24, 528–529, 534–536, 537, 539–541
- Treaty of commerce with United States of 1871, 528–529, 534–536, 537, 539–541
- Ungarelli, Giacomo, Vice Consul at Detroit, transfer to another country, 544–545, 546, 551
- Japan, 76, 77, 311, 338, 339, 521
- Jews. See under Germany.
- Labor, establishment of universal labor service in Germany, 271–272, 276–279
- “Lapinski” (P. L. Mikhailski), 313
- Latvia: Alleged discrimination against American trade, U. S. representations and Latvian position, 552–565; U. S.-Latvian commercial treaty of 1928, cited, 553, 557
- League of Nations: Consolidation of refugee work under supervision of, proposed, 421–422, 423, 426, 427; resolution relative to German repudiation of provisions of Versailles Treaty, 330, 331–332, 335, 336–337
- Lithuania, alleged discrimination against American trade, 566–578
- Loans. See Germany: Debt; Greece: American loans; and under Spain.
- Matson Line, 15, 17, 75
- Memphremagog, Lake, U. S.-Canadian arrangement regarding level of, 53–57
- Merchant Marine Act of 1920, cited, 36–37, 48, 50, 51
- Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 391
- Miangas, Island of, 605–606
- Mikhailski, P. L. (“Lapinski”), 313
- Military service. See Germany: Compulsory military service; Switzerland: Military obligations.
- Montana, State of, proposed denial of license to French insurance company, 254–256
- Morgenthau, Henry, Jr., 494, 496
- Most-favored-nation principle. See Germany: Trade relations with United States; Portugal: Exchange of notes, proposed; Trade agreements; Union of South Africa: U. S. proposal.
- Motion pictures: “The Merry Widow” film, rejection by German censor, 391; U. S. prevention of discrimination against American films imported into France, 231, 236–237, 237–244
- Mutual assistance pacts, general discussions, 323, 324–325, 335
- National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933, cited, 791, 792–793, 795–796
- Nationality and military service:
- Convention between United States and Switzerland, proposed. See Switzerland: Military obligations.
- German Defense Law of May 21, nationality provisions, 272–273
- Nationals, protection of, Act of Mar. 2, 1907, cited, 777, 781
- Naturalization. See under Treaties.
- Netherlands, 579–619
- Air navigation arrangement with United States, proposed, inconclusive negotiations, 590–603
- Arms, ammunition, and implements of war, Netherland inquiries relative to purchase from American firms, 603–604; U. S. policy, 604
- Double taxation, prevention of, proposed arrangement between United States and the Netherlands and Netherland Indian Government, 606–613
- Jewish nationals in Germany, 410–411
- Palmas, Island of, U. S. assurance of recognition as Netherland territory, 605–606
- Trade agreement with United States signed Dec. 20: Negotiations, 579–590; text, citation to, 590
- United Press Associations, difficulties in distribution of its news service in Netherlands East Indies, and U. S. efforts on behalf of, 613–619
- Netherlands Indies. See Netherlands: Double taxation and United Press Associations.
- Newfoundland, U. S. disinclination to negotiate a special trade agreement with, 65–68
- New Zealand: Trade agreement with United States, preliminary discussions respecting, 69–84; trade treaty with Belgium, 83, 84
- Nitrates, French discriminatory restrictions on importation of, 245–247
- Norway, 620–628
- Trade agreement with United States, preliminary discussions and Norwegian efforts to secure repeal of U. S. tax on whale oil, 620–627
- U. S. Legation property in Oslo, U. S. representations for exemption from taxation, 627–628; Norwegian legislation effecting exemption, 628n
- Whale oil. See Trade agreement, supra.
- Norwegian-American Chamber of Commerce, 621, 626
- Oil. See Lithuania: Petroleum situation.
- Ottawa Agreements, 29, 82, 88
- Palmas, Island of, 605–606
- Petroleum. See under Lithuania.
- Philippines, 1, 2, 590–591, 602–603, 605–606
- Poland, 629–661
- Bilateral trade and tariff agreements with other countries, 653, 656, 657
- Discrimination, alleged, against American trade, 629–658
- Categories of American imports, summary and comments by U. S. Ambassador, 633–635
- Conversations of U. S. Ambassador with Polish officials with respect to U. S. trade policy, 639–640, 648–651
- U. S. representations and detailed exposition of foreign trade policy, 629–632, 638–648; Polish position, 632–638, 651–658
- Foreign policy, 326, 334, 338
- German repudiation of provisions of Versailles Treaty, Polish attitude, 301, 309, 311
- Participation in various international conferences, résumé, 654–655
- Social insurance regulations, non-applicability to employees of U. S. Embassy and Consulates in Poland, 658–661
- Treaty of friendship, commerce, and consular rights with United States (1931), cited, 630, 631, 637, 642, 643–644, 645–646, 660
- Polish Corridor, 318, 320, 330, 338
- Portugal, trade relations with United States, 662–670
- Exchange of notes, proposed, providing for most-favored-nation treatment with respect to shipping, 662–670
- Flag discrimination against American shipping, 665–666, 667–668, 669–670
- Modus vivendi of 1910, possible denunciation, 662, 664–665, 667, 668
- Wines and sardines, problems with regard to, 666, 667–669
- Propaganda. See Germany: Versailles Treaty: German position and peace propaganda; Italy: Fascist propaganda activities.
- Racial purity. See under Germany: Jews.
- Radek, Karl, 312–313
- Recognition by United States of restoration of George II as King of Greece, 500–506
- Refugees See under Germany.
- Revenue Acts of 1932 and 1934, cited, 607, 608, 609, 620
- Revolution. See under Greece.
- Roosevelt, Franklin D.:
- Interest in U. S.-Swiss negotiations concerning watches, 756–757, 774
- Position in connection with U. S.-Belgian negotiations for a trade agreement, 112–113, 115–118
- Proclamations of trade agreements, and concurrent instructions to Treasury Department, cited: Apr. 1, 100, 119n, 458, 460, 528, 582–583, 642–643, 663; July 8, 191–192, 556
- Royal Dutch Shell Co. of London, 578
- Rumania, 671–686
- German repudiation of provisions of Versailles Treaty, Rumanian attitude, 330, 331
- International Telephone and Telegraph Corp., U. S. good offices on behalf of Rumanian subsidiary of, following search of premises by Rumanian authorities, 678–686
- Jewish nationals in Germany, 411
- Restrictions on importation of American merchandise, U. S. representations and Rumanian position, 671–678
- U. S.-Rumanian commercial agreement of 1930, cited, 672–677 passim
- Saar, 290, 423
- Sherman, John, correspondence of 1897, cited, 797
- Shipping. See Portugal: Exchange of notes, proposed; and under Canada.
- Smuggling. See United Kingdom: U. S. anti-smuggling bill; and under Switzerland: Trade agreement.
- South American countries, attitude toward receiving refugees (Jewish and other) from Germany as immigrants, 419
- Soviet Union:
- Citation to additional correspondence, 802
- France, relations with: French-Soviet rapprochement, 323, 325, 326, 330, 331–332, 335, 338; possibility of French loan to Soviet Union, 224
- German repudiation of provisions of Versailles Treaty, Soviet attitude and press comment, 298, 306, 312–314
- Petroleum products, distribution in Lithuania by American firm, 571, 574, 575–576, 576–577
- Spain, trade agreement with United States, proposed, 687–738
- Commodities, discussions concerning: Automobiles, 697–699, 701, 703–704, 705–706, 706–707, 708, 709–711, 712, 713–714, 714–715, 716, 717, 718, 720, 722; wines and sardines, 692, 697, 705, 708–709, 718, 732–733
- Draft text of Oct. 23, with draft notes regarding the labeling of sherry, 724–733
- Exchange insurance, question of, 717, 718–719, 736–738
- Exploratory discussions, 687–702; status of U. S.-Spanish trade, 689
- French-Spanish commercial negotiations, relation to trade agreement negotiations, 694, 695, 699, 702, 703–704, 712–713, 714
- Loans and credits, U. S. disinclination to discuss, pending completion of trade agreement negotiations, 720–721, 723
- Negotiations, 703–738; draft text of agreement and notes to be exchanged, 724–733
- Trade relations of Spain with other countries, effect on U. S.-Spanish negotiations (see also Exchange insurance and French-Spanish commercial negotiations, supra), 697–698, 700–701, 704, 708, 709, 710, 711–712, 736–738
- Treaties with United States of Dec. 10, 1898, and Nov. 7, 1900, cited, 605, 606
- Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey, branch organization in Lithuania, 571–578
- Stephano, Christopher, 497–499
- Stresa Conference, 324–325, 327
- Sweden, 739–744
- Arbitration case, U. S.-Sweden, involving interpretation of treaties, cited, 795
- Trade agreement with United States, signed May 25: Negotiations, 739–744; text, citation to, 744
- Treaties with United States (see also Trade agreement, supra): Arbitration agreement, 1930, 795; treaties of 1783 and 1827, cited, 795
- Switzerland, 745–801
- Coat of arms of Swiss Confederation, U. S. enactment of legislation to prohibit commercial use of, 799–801
- Insurance companies established in United States, Swiss representations for exemption from certain taxation. See Treaty of Nov. 25, 1850, infra.
- Military obligations of certain persons having dual
nationality, proposed convention between United States and
Switzerland concerning, 775–790
- Negotiations:
- Signature, Nov. 11, 1937, 790n
- Nationality convention, proposed. See Military obligations, supra.
- Trade agreement with United States, proposed, 745–774
- Treaty of Nov. 25, 1850, disagreement between United States and Switzerland as to interpretation of word “citizen,” 791–798
- Tariff Act of 1930, cited, 7, 28, 91, 99, 474, 476, 655, 740, 754, 760
- Taxation (see also
France: Double taxation
- Netherlands, discussions with United States respecting double taxation, 606–613
- Norway: Efforts to secure repeal of U. S. tax on whale oil, 620–627; U. S. representations for exemption from tax on Legation property in Oslo, 627–628
- Switzerland, representations for exemption from certain taxation of Swiss insurance companies established in United States, 791–798
- Three-mile limit, U. S.-British discussions, 4–8
- Trade agreements between United States and other countries:
- Basic theory of U. S. trade agreements program (see also U. S. policy with regard to generalization of tariff concessions, infra), 14–15, 93, 138–139, 160–161, 190–191, 193, 215, 453, 454, 638–642, 748
- Conclusion of agreements with—
- Discussions and negotiations with—
- Australia, 9–17
- Austria, 95–101
- Czechoslovakia. See under Czechoslovakia.
- Estonia, 198–202
- Finland, 203–206
- France, 211–237, 240, 241–242, 243
- Germany. See under Germany: Trade relations with United States.
- Irish Free State, 61–64
- Italy. See under Italy.
- Newfoundland, 65–68
- New Zealand, 69–84
- Norway, 620–627
- Spain. See Spain.
- Switzerland. See under Switzerland.
- United Kingdom, 1–4
- U. S. policy with regard to generalization of tariff concessions:
- Trade Agreements Act of 1984 (amendment to Tariff Act of 1930), cited, 26, 92, 93, 138, 191, 440, 460, 532, 581, 641, 662, 676, 677, 722
- Trade restrictions and discriminations. See Belgium: Restrictive trade measures; Denmark; Estonia: Discrimination; France: Discrimination; Latvia; Lithuania; Poland; Portugal: Flag discrimination; Rumania: Restrictions; Trade agreements.
- Trail Smelter case. See under Canada.
- Treaties, conventions, etc. (see also
Trade agreements):
- Arbitration agreement, U. S.-Sweden, 1930, 795
- Aviation: Arrangements between United States and United Kingdom by exchanges of notes, Mar. 28 and Apr. 5, citation to texts, 4; International Convention for Regulation of Aerial Navigation, 1919, cited, 596–597, 599, 600
- Claims conventions, cited, 792, 798
- Clearing agreement between Germany and Czechoslovakia, 163–170
- Commercial treaties and agreements:
- Belgium-New Zealand, trade treaty, 83, 84
- U. S.-Estonia. See Estonia: Modification of commercial treaty of 1925.
- U. S.-Germany. See Germany: Treaties with United States.
- U. S.-Italy, treaty of 1871, proposed abrogation of arts. 6 and 24, 528–529, 534–536, 537, 539–541
- U. S.-Latvia, treaty of 1928, cited, 553, 557
- U. S.-Lithuania, accord of 1925, cited, 570, 573
- U. S.-Poland, treaty of 1931, cited, 630, 631, 637, 642, 643–644, 645–646, 660
- U. S.-Portugal, modus Vivendi of 1910, 662, 664–665, 667, 668
- U. S.-Rumania, agreement of 1930, cited, 672–677 passim
- U. S.-Russia, treaty of 1832, cited, 410
- U. S.-Sweden, treaties of 1783 and 1827, cited, 795
- Consular convention, U. S.-France, 1853, cited, 255
- Consular officers, right to visit their nationals in prison, U. S.-Canadian arrangement concerning, 57–60
- Debt funding agreements. See Greece: American loans.
- Double taxation convention, U. S.-France. See under France.
- Friendship, commerce, and extradition, U. S.-Switzerland, Nov. 25, 1850, question of interpretation of word “citizen,” 791–798
- Geneva convention of July 27, 1929, relative to the wounded and sick in armies in the field, cited, 800–801
- Lake Memphremagog, level of, U. S.-Canadian arrangement regarding, 53–57
- Liquor smuggling, prevention of, U. S.-British convention of 1924, cited, 5
- Military obligations. See under Switzerland.
- Naturalization:
- Convention between United States and Switzerland, proposed. See Switzerland: Military obligations.
- Treaties between United States and Norway, Sweden, and Albania, cited, 790
- Ottawa Agreements, 29, 82, 88
- Philippine territory, U. S.-Spanish treaties of Dec. 10, 1898, and Nov. 7, 1900, cited, 605, 606
- Telecommunication Convention of Madrid, 1932, cited, 617, 619
- Trail Smelter case, convention for settlement of. See under Canada.
- Treaty of London of May 7, 1832, relative to the sovereignty of Greece, cited, 503
- Union of Paris, Convention of, Mar. 20, 1883, cited, 800
- Versailles Treaty, German repudiation of provisions of. See under Germany.
- Ulen & Co. See under Greece.
- Union Line, 17
- Union of South Africa, trade relations with United States, 85–94
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. See Soviet Union.
- United Kingdom, 1–8
- Aviation, arrangements with United States relating to air navigation and pilot licenses to operate civil aircraft, exchanges of notes signed Mar. 28 and Apr. 5, citation to texts, 4
- Convention with United States for prevention of liquor smuggling (1924), cited, 5
- Foreign policy:
- German repudiation of provisions of Versailles Treaty, British attitude. See Germany: Versailles Treaty: Attitude of United Kingdom.
- Greece, revolution in, British representations in interest of moderation, 492, 494, 497
- Jewish nationals in Germany, 411
- Trade agreement with United States, preliminary discussions respecting, 1–4
- U. S. anti-smuggling bill providing for exercise of jurisdiction beyond the three-mile limit, British observations and U. S. replies, 4–8
- United Press Associations, apparent discriminatory treatment by Netherlands authorities, 613–619
- U. S. citizens. See under Greece: Revolution.
- U. S. Congress:
- Act to prohibit commercial use in United States of Swiss coat of arms (approved June 20, 1936), 801n
- Anti-smuggling bill providing for exercise of jurisdiction beyond the three-mile limit, U. S.-British discussions, 4–8
- Committee on Un-American Activities, House of Representatives 544–545, 546
- Joint Resolution of May 28, 1928, relative to conventions on nationality cited, 776, 784, 788
- McCormack Bill relative to watch smuggling, 756, 760–761, 762–763, 765, 767, 768–769
- Speech by Congressman Dickstein referring to Hitler, German representations regarding 483, 484–485
- Tonry Bill to repeal excise tax or whale oil, 623, 624–625, 626, 627
- U. S. Department of Agriculture, attitude on questions arising from U. S.-Belgian trade agreement negotiations, 113–115
- U. S. Department of Commerce, opposition to proposed U. S.-Canadian treaty with regard to shipping, 46–47
- U. S. Supreme Court, opinions cited, 791, 794
- Vacuum Oil Co., 575
- Versailles Treaty, German repudiation of provisions of. See under Germany.
- War, possibilities of, 267, 313–314, 321, 322–323, 326, 330, 333, 337, 338–339; military expansion in European countries, statistics, 325
- War debt of France to United States, 254–256
- Watches. See Switzerland: Trade agreement with United States.
- Whale oil, Norwegian efforts to secure repeal of U. S. tax on, 620–627
- Wines and sardines, discussions in connection with U. S. trade with Portugal, 666, 667–669; with Spain, 692, 697, 705, 708–709, 718, 732–733