Memorandum by the Assistant Chief of the Division of Western European Affairs (Culbertson)
The Swiss Minister came in this afternoon by appointment, and Mr. Sayre5 handed to him the American desiderata6 for consideration during the forthcoming trade agreement negotiations.
Mr. Sayre read to Mr. Peter, Bern’s telegram No. 18, May 7,6 in [Page 747] which it is reported that Minister Stucki plans to come to the United States for the negotiations, leaving Switzerland about June 10. Mr. Sayre brought out that since Mr. Stucki plans to spend at most one week in Washington, it will be necessary to clear as much of the groundwork in advance as possible. It was suggested that we might, if agreeable to the Swiss Government, go forward immediately with consideration of the general provisions which have already been submitted to Mr. Peter and presumably to the Swiss Government by him. Mr. Sayre said that we hoped that it might be possible for the Swiss Government to accept these general provisions more or less as they are, but if it has suggestions to make, we would like to receive them. The Minister agreed to wire his Government tonight with regard to this question.
Mr. Sayre said that following the receipt of the Swiss desiderata, it might be possible for us to clear some of the ground for consideration of the two schedules. The Minister stated that he had suggested to his Government that following the receipt by it of our desiderata, instructions might be sent to him, indicating what items the Swiss Government is prepared to accept, what items it is prepared to accept conditionally and what items it cannot accept. Mr. Peter did not know whether his Government would agree to this suggestion.