811.512356 Double/5
The Netherland Chargé (Van Breugel Douglas) to the Secretary of State
Sir: I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of the letter of the 16th of October 1934, No. 811.512356 Double/4, in which Your Excellency informs me that the competent United States Authorities hold that the Netherland Indian Government’s Ordinance of the 5th of May 1934 (Official Gazette of Netherlands Indies 1934, No. 291) does not satisfy the credit requirements of the Revenue Acts 1932 and 1934, the reduction of the Netherlands Indian income tax to a [Page 609] resident of that country being allowed only if he has paid a foreign income tax on certain types of income.
As I would like to furnish the Netherlands Indian Government Department with full particulars on the subject I should appreciate it if through Your Excellency’s good offices I might be informed which particular types of income the United States Authorities consider not mentioned in the list of credit allowances contained in the Ordinance in question.
If this should be deemed more convenient I shall be very glad to get into touch with the Authorities concerned in order to discuss the matter.
Please accept [etc.]