The Secretary of State to the Minister in the Netherlands (Emmet)
Sir: I refer to your despatch No. 276 of August 24, 1935, enclosing a translation of a communication addressed to you by a Chief of Division of the Ministry of Colonies, requesting the names of American manufacturers who might be interested in the manufacture of tanks for the Government of the Netherlands Indies.
You may inform the Ministry of Colonies that the Marmon Herrington Company of Indianapolis, Indiana, James Cunningham Sons Company of Syracuse, New York, and the Caterpillar Tractor Company of Peoria, Illinois, might be interested in considering entering into such a contract as appears to be contemplated.
For your information and guidance in dealing with matters of this kind, I invite your attention to the fact that it is not the policy of this Government to encourage the export trade in arms, ammunition and implements of war. American diplomatic and consular officers should not, therefore, proceed on their own initiative to promote American trade in such articles, and should not endeavor to create trade opportunities for American exporters of such articles. They should, however, in countries where normal conditions exist, when requested to do so by American exporters or their agents, or by prospective purchasers, follow the same procedure in giving information and advice as they would follow in giving information and advice in respect to the trade in any other commodity, but they should decline to use official channels for the communication of such inquiries or offers.
I consider it preferable that foreign governments contemplating transactions with American manufacturers of arms, ammunition and implements of war should obtain such information as they desire through their representatives in this country rather than through representatives of this Government situated abroad.
Very truly yours,