The Chief of the Division of Near Eastern Affairs (Murray) to the Chief of the Division of Protocol and Conferences (Southgate)
Mr. Southgate: The Greek Minister has been advised by his Government that it has already mailed a letter addressed to President Roosevelt by the King of Greece16 announcing his accession to the throne.
The Greek Government has also mailed to Mr. Sicilianos, the Greek Minister here, his new letters of credence.
Referring to his earlier request, the Minister desires to know whether on the basis of this information the Department would be [Page 506] prepared to send forward at once new letters of credence to Mr. MacVeagh, our Minister in Athens.17
- Not printed.↩
With instruction No. 248, December 12, the Department enclosed a new letter of credence accrediting Lincoln MacVeagh as Minister to George II (123 MacVeagh, Lincoln/62).
Demetrios Sicilianos, the Greek Minister, left a new letter of credence with the Secretary of State on December 18 (701.6811/262).