The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Canada (Boal)
Sir: Reference is made to instruction No. 699, dated April 4, 1935,47 regarding a possible conference with the appropriate Canadian authorities on the question of carriage of grain on the Great Lakes.
The Secretary of Commerce, under date of May 6, 1935, has indicated his disapproval of the proposal to enter into an agreement with Canada whereby on the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River the reciprocal privilege of transporting goods for export between ports and places of either country would be extended to Canadian and American vessels. Two copies of his letter,48 together with the enclosed report,49 are transmitted herewith for your consideration.
In the event that the Canadian authorities inquire as to the answer to be given to the Prime Minister’s note of February 12, 1935, transmitted with your despatch No. 1079, dated February 15, 1935, it would seem desirable to discuss with him at considerable length the information given in the letter of the Secretary of Commerce and the accompanying report, as well as the suggested alternative put forward in the latter. It would be appreciated if you would submit, after due consideration, your opinion as to the desirability of this course.
Very truly yours,