
The Chargé in Canada (Boal) to the Secretary of State

No. 535

Sir: I have the honor to refer to the Department’s instruction No. 280 of March 31, 1934. In accordance with the views expressed in the Department’s instruction No. 103 of November 3, 1933, neither the Minister nor I, up to the time of the writing of despatch No. 471 of March 20, 1934,38 have approached the Prime Minister with regard to the shipping question on the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence. In view, however, of the probable enactment of Section 774 of the Shipping Bill now under consideration, it now appears desirable to discuss the matter with the Prime Minister, and the Department’s instructions contained in its instruction No. 280 to this effect will be carried out at the earliest opportunity.

It appears to me desirable also to follow this up with a letter to the Prime Minister definitely suggesting that negotiations for a treaty be undertaken. I have, accordingly, drafted a letter, of which I have the honor to enclose a copy,38 which I propose to transmit to the Prime Minister as soon as I have had an opportunity to talk with him on this subject. I have the honor to request that if the Department wishes to have any changes made in this letter I be advised urgently by telephone or telegraph.39

Respectfully yours,

Pierre de L. Boal
  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed.
  3. In a personal letter to the Assistant Chief of the Division of Western European Affairs, dated April 19, 1934, the Chargé stated that he had that day handed the letter (evidently dated April 17, 1934) to the Prime Minister without waiting for the Department’s comments.