659.116/94a: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Denmark (Owen)

2. Please hand the Foreign Office the following note:

“The Government of the United States has viewed with sympathy the efforts of the Danish Government to improve its national economy. It has recognized that some emergency measures have been necessary to attain this end. It has hoped that those conditions which made such measures necessary would be only transitory, but that, should such conditions appear to be somewhat protracted, the Danish Government would seek some other method than outright discrimination against the commerce of a friendly nation.

“It now appears, however, that it has become a fixed policy of the Danish Exchange Control Board to discriminate against American products in the allotment of import permits. In consequence, I am instructed to ask that you be good enough to inform me at an early date of the plans which the Danish Government may have for bringing about the condition of equal opportunity for American commerce in Denmark, such as Danish commerce now enjoys in the United States.”

Please cable in full the reply of the Danish Government.
