Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Trade Agreements (Grady)
Mr. Kabeláč called at the Department by appointment this morning to say that he had just returned from Europe. Before leaving, he talked with the Minister who is on leave and the Minister asked him to request information as to when we might be prepared to make public announcement of intention to negotiate a trade agreement with Czechoslovakia. I said that our program was heavy and that we wished to conclude negotiations with some of the European countries first, and that as to his request as to when it was likely that we could make public announcement, it was difficult to say because one could not tell how quickly the present negotiations might result in the signing of agreements.
He said that he hoped we were satisfied with the working of the modus vivendi and that we now had no cause for complaint. I stated that I understood that there had been some complaints on the part of our exporters but that I understood that Mr. Wright was getting an adjustment of the matter at Prague. I stated further that we would be certain to call his Government’s attention to any further complaints by American exporters which indicated discrimination against American commerce. He was actuated in this inquiry by a desire to be assured that his Government would continue to get generalization of concessions made in other trade agreements.